In its foundation, our country has its seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.

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Secret Service doesn't let OHJB drive the Bidenmobile off the property?

Hah! That's what <i>they</i> think. Fortunately, the Bidenator knows how to ditch them so that he can drive around the dirty streets of Gotham, vanquishing crime with his trusty sidekick Newpope, who rides shotgun. Literally.

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I don't read MoDo - is that word salad typical?

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August 28, 1930 to February 3, 2012.

I find it highly suspicious that "Ben Gazzara" died just months before Darrel Issa would have surely called him to the <strike>witless</strike> witness stand.

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C'mon, Snipy! Vine or GTFO!

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Reading her isn't something non-schizophrenics can do. Her art has to be "experienced".

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That's what's <i>"most</i> scary to [him] about the world today" - and some makers actually pay him good money for his incisive observational skillz?

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Good - I have a raging case of typoglycemia and *I* couldn't make sense of it.

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Today "Cocktail Grunge" would be a worn-out black polo shirt, khaki shorts and sneakers. Tomorrow, if it's cloudy, it could be something else. What's the big deal, <i>NYT</i>?

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Darn you. I'm jealous.

Typohormonal ...

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Will they be chucking these fetuses down the catwalk?

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American mubobobo.

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In a flat and crowded garden.

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"we need the foreigners to provide a solid uniform foundation". Is Friedman saying that our kids are leaving school too stupid to become construction workers, or admitting that the Messicans will work for less?

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Ben lies

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and you kids get off my lawn...

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