Slightly off-topic, but does anyone know why the gay pulps, like the one illustrating this post, so often had at least one albino or whatever leering out? I mean, did people think gayness leeched pigment out of men or something? It's something I've always wondered

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You know, I was really pulling for a MSU-UW final in the NC2A. Darn.

I guess we just have to go back to Packers-Lions.

When I was a little kid, back in the Pleistocene, my aunt and uncle owned a diner in Racine, and every Thanksgiving we would drive down from Milwaukee to have dinner and watch the Packers and the Lions on the teevee. As I recall, the Lions generally won (most of those games were in the '50s and early '60s). Then, in the later sixties, the host Lions started inviting other teams.

Occasionally, I think this marked the beginning of the decline of American civilization. (Normally, of course, I know it was Reagan).

Oh, and on the Lions' picks, excuse my fake weeping. You traded for Golden Tate, who is a jackass but also a decent WR, and you drafted Ebron and Van Noy?

Crimea river.

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He's not really big enough for his position in the NFL. It's possible that technique and sheer effort will allow him to be a big success, but it's more likely that he will just be "adequate" in the NFL. Which is to say, more athletically impressive than 9999 out of any random 10,000 folks you might meet.

I hope he does well, both for his own welfare, and because he is a symbol. He is in a tough position. When Jackie Robinson was hired by the Dodgers, he was already well understood to be superstar player. Everyone who followed baseball knew that he would be outstandingly successful. The crucial thing in that case was just hiring him.

In this case, the crucial point will be how well Mr Sam performs in the NFL, now that he's been hired. The good news is, he may have a bit of attitude. I wish him well.*

* Disclaimer: except against the Packers

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Handegg Kissghazi is already blowing up the skirts of the butthurterati.

It's a great day to be alive, is what I'm saying.

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Sportsballs are <i>manly.</i> That's why they're always walking around naked in the locker room and patting each others' butts.

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How exactly would Ross the Inane suggest we increase "supervision" on a college campus? Turn it into a fenced off fortress with access gates and armed guards? Install security cameras on every building and lamppost?

Oh, wait those cost money. He just wants the solution to magically appear.

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And it's a nice present for the retrogrades in the MO legislature. Kinda tough to be all "Sportsball YEAH!" and "Gays are icky!" when the two mix.

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they'll just blame the depraved city folk of St Louie for screwing up THEIR team.

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Gay people don't do their own dusting?

Damn, turns out I might be gay...

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lol, I just said the same thing over at HNTP

just what the fuck does he think should be higher?

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for not liking the nanny state, they sure do seem to pine for a nanny state- at least for everyone besides themselves

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the spawning ground for America's future serial killers

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But the ghey <i>people</i> aren't objectionable, and there's people in the picture.

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I grew up during the time when we were fighting for everything we are seeing now. It's just thrilling and I'm so glad I'm here to see it.

Of course, Michael Sam's field performance is what will matter. I'm just happy he'll have the chance to prove himself.

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Excuse me, did you say "knives"?

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