A writer in today's <i>NYT</i> is so wired into the current, corrupt political system that he's <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2014\/01\/26\/us\/politics\/it-only-seems-that-political-corruption-is-rampant.html\?ref=us" target="_blank">unable to see</a> how corrupt it actually is.

As far as someone named Michael Wines is concerned, if no pols go to jail, no pols are corrupt.


And by the way, is the Wonkette Server Farm under a denial of service attack today? Couldn't touch Wonkette.com using Chrome on an iPad, and can't reach HappyHappyHappy from this peecee.

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Elsewhere in the news, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KYjelly) introduced a new bill today. S.104, the "Equine Corpse Utilization Act of 2014," would remove all government restrictions on the flogging of dead horses.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MAmamia) pointed out that the bill was superfluous, as there are currently no government restrictions on dead-horse flogging.

Reached for comment at a Koch Industries horsemeat processing plant in suburban Virginia, Sen. Minority Whip John Cornyn (R-Quirt), put down his whip long enough to respond: "See? The Democrats are constantly complaining that we produce no legislation, and then when we do, they refuse to pass it."

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<blockquote>Honeycomb was designed by the Danish architect Bjarke Ingels....The Honeycomb is expected to break ground this summer, and when it opens in the first half of 2016, each of the 34 apartments will have a private terrace with a pool.</blockquote> Perhaps preferring to show it rather than tell it, the writer didn't mention that "Honeycomb" is the <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2014\/01\/26\/realestate\/the-bahamas-on-the-radar.html\?_r=0" target="_blank">butt-ugliest cheese-grater</a> of a structure this side of Dubai.

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"I'm really excited about the Pro Bowl," said no one.

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1962 is calling; it wants its Jetsons back.

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Yeah, screw that Siri. Ima trade her in for that slutty OS Joaquin has in that new movie.

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That Birch seems nice.

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Necrohippoflaggelation libel!!!!

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ALL libertardians started out as insufferable HS students, or college undergrads. The mystery is, how and why did they fail to grow out of the very prototype of a sophomoric theory?

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Can Douchehat please point out the disingenuous part of "Capitalists are exploitative"?

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The fact that they portray themselves as hard-headed realists is concrete proof of the opposite. Think of Glenn Beck proclaiming, "Everything I say is true."

(There must be a word in semantics for this...)

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Funny thing is, even in a roomful of thoroughly baked stoners, libertardian concepts are greeted with "Woah, duuude - that makes no fuckin' sense. I mean, wow. Seriously."

This is based on actual experience. Or so I've heard.

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They tend to bend . . . along the arc of history.

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<i>Plus</i> 18 degrees? Luxury.

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All of China was trying to access the server.

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