Noonan, on the other hand...

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Jim Hoft's speaking fee: #Paythefuckup

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Except these days it's China that's perfectly happy to provide military funding to states we're having a hissy fit at.

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Blanket bombing of German cities killed more civilians than the nukes, and I haven't seen a conclusive rebuttal of the argument that by shortening the war, the net effect was to save lives, not that we'll ever know how long and bloody that alternative history would really have been.

The less avoidable inconsistency is that MoDo herself pointed out right there that Truman eventually derived significant income from the transaction of writing a book that commercialized on the prestige and dignity of the office of the Presidency.

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There used to be a pulmonologist in San Jose named Dr. Posthumous.

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<blockquote>Rich people in New York are terrible. </blockquote>

Which explains why you shouldn't read the NYT.

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It might be entertaining to create a truly authentic womb experience for Jes Wade, she might be a little surprised, methinks - dark, tightly confined, and the whole environment moving in ways you can't predict.

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Does Dowd have an ideological/policy agenda, or does she just like not liking people? Of all the times I have read her columns...I could never figure out if there was a goal there or she is really just that catty. Admittedly, there is a lot to not like about the Clintons, but is Maureen ever going to, you know...make some larger point beneficial to her readers?

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You could probably have a RealDoll thrown in for a couple of thousand bucks.

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He was better than that -- he could pass off things that MIGHT have happened to characters he MIGHT have played in movies that never existed as being his own personal history.

And on the rare occasions when he was called on it, his handlers fluffed it off as "Oh, ha ha ha. That's just Ron, y'know".

I detested that motherfucker when he was alive, and I abominate his fucking memory.

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This has something to do with Canadian whiskey, doesn't it?

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That's just the way it is.

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Truly, she is the Susquehanna Hat Company of journalism.

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You've got a dimensional analysis error here -- trying to compare fantasy time with fantasy value.

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What, with the actual formaldehyde still in? Elitist!!!

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Certainly no obvious reason for them to start now.

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