Third year in a row where the Autumn leaves here lack their former brilliant colors; all of them parched by heat and drought. A massive oak, 100 years in the growing, fell across my backyard, it's base completely hollowed out from some infestation of bugs we weren't aware of. It's yet standing twin will have to come down. All of these majestic creations are natural scrubbers of Co2, (they say we need to be planting whole new forests of them), but with the planet warming how long will it be before they all weaken and die? Sometimes I get sick with fury at the people who can do the most to help but choose to do the least, even adding to the decimation of the beauty surrounding us. They are like those insects who burrowed deep inside that oak and ate away at the foundation which held it up as it's branches grew toward the sky. How I wish I were all powerful for just one day, I'd route the pests; my tree would still be standing, and my government would be cleansed.I realize this is an aging article; it's unlikely anyone will read what I have written, but sometimes it's healing to put grief and anger into words in a place where they are safe. For me that's here, and I am grateful.

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She's a comedian, but she can't do a worse job than the joker there now.

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See, there you go with your liberal distortions. It's only 82%.

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This was a fascinating and scary book that did research some previous collapses that I'd highly recommend. "Collapse: How societies chose to fail or succeed" by Jared Diamond https://smile.amazon.com/s/...

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There is an organization working to get out the environmentalist vote. I'm gobsmacked that such a thing is needed, but there you are.

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Health insurance really comes in handy when you accidentally shoot yourself with said gun!

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If someone came into my house, and spread a bunch of toxic goo around, I'd be pretty pissed, but that's what these dickwads want to do. Don't they realize this planet is humanity's home, and we can't just move to the next one down the block? I can't remember a time when I've hated anyone so much, maybe not even Darth Cheney. We're not even going to have an economy without clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. All the bugs are dying, and they pollinate our crops!

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For the party claiming to support bidness, I am surprised they willfully ignore the fortunes to be made in eco-friendly green groth industries. It as if they don't want money that they don't steal.

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It wasn't until I learned about Larry Kudlow did I realize that an option for a young person entering the workforce is an exciting career in Being Wrong About Everything, Every Time.

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Let's start a rumor that we're going to take away their guns, then when they threaten to secede just kick 'em out the door.

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Nothing definitive from any of these prevaricators except the fact that they aren't going to do anything regardless of the crisis, the hard facts and the reality that if they don't act today, that they will be replaced tomorrow (their true unacted upon fear).

Climate change and Republican change is the tortoise and hare scenario. Climate change is racing to the finish line and the Republicans are plodding along eating all the green they can along the way.

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Kudlow is right, climate change models haven't been all that accurate. But not in a good way, things are happening faster than some of the most dire predictions

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So he wants to send a bunch of these dudes down to protect Florida from hurricanes? Not really seeing a downside for anyone not in their path.


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The Republicans are clearly at the vanguard of the global warming issue, bringing back coal, ethanol based fuel, destroying alternative fuel work, etc, they are are simply the vanguard in the entirely wrong direction.

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Thanks, MM.

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