Cassidy: "those who managed their states well" so already the Republicans are proclaiming that the "future belongs to" DeSantis.

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And obviously nothing WILL BE or CAN BE done about it until Congress passes the Hunter Biden Emoluments Act 😄https://apnews.com/article/...

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Much like Andre the Giant had Bobby "The Brain" Heenan or Brock Lesnar had Paul Heyman or Yokozuna had Jim Cornette, Herschel Walker has Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz and many more

Or Buffalo Bob had Howdy Doody. 😆

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Media before midterms: It’s the inflation, stupid.

Voters: Nope, it’s the reproductive rights and Democracy, stupid.

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“First, we're not a cult.”

Hit dog hollers.

“I will say we should be a party of ideas and principles.”

You’ve been pushing this bullshit for years, yet here you are, the Party of Insurrection and Domestic Terror.

I’m not at so surprised that Bobble Throated Slapdick thinks leadership should be determined by brute force. Goddam sawed-off, pencil-neck thug.

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In my mind's eye, I can see Herschel Walker at one of the old WWF Wrestlemanias being managed by Capt. Lou Albano. But not even Capt. Lou could cheat Sen. Warnock out of victory in the runoff.

"And the Rev is going to walk into the arena!"

"And the millions" - (and millions) - of his fans will chant his name!"

(Warnock! Warnock!)

"And then the Rev. will walk down to the ring and proceed to lay the smackdown on Herschel Walker's candy ass!"

"If you smeeeeellll what the Rev is cookin'!"

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The repubs must know they have the vintage pro wrestling vote sewn up without pandering to them again don't they?

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It's a simple code. Oh, yeah.

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TFG learned everything he knows about political campaigning from Vince McMahon.

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With the performative manly man toughness, Americana patriotism, simple bad-guy foreigner strawmen meant to hate, and casual violence against women being portrayed as "she had it coming",... don't know how Repubs could ever miss with that demo.

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To be fair, this is arguably the most successful business venture TFG was ever a part of


To this date nobody told him everything he did there was scripted

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“And so you can give me a theoretical after a theoretical.“

If someone asks you if you would like chocolate ice cream for dinner if you pick it up from the store that’s also theoretical but it’s not to hard to answer. You either want it or you don’t.

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MAINSTREAM MEDIA (Noun)Anyone who disagrees with my shrill irrational point of view.

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2 scoops, please.

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The gQp is self-reflecting. How cute. What'd they do wrong?

> Constant complaining about problems created by your party’s past policies, such as homelessness and mass shootings.

> Obstinate refusal to work with Dems on solutions, just blame and finger pointing.

> Tedious made up culture wars such as “litter boxes in schools”, CRT, the nonexistent War on Christmas, Mr. Potato Head, etc.

> Your party’s blatant hypocrisy. You claim to be the Pro Life Party but kowtow to gun manufacturers and their lobby, the NRA, and refuse to vote for federal gun control laws.

The gQp claims to be the party of less government, but have thier noses in the uterus of every American woman, and took away American women’s right to bodily autonomy.

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What nobody seems to want to talk about — before and after the midterms — is how easily Trump took over the GOP party in the first place.

Even with massive gerrymandering and an entire media ecosystem beating the drum for them, their “best and brightest” nominees (with an assist by a Dem nominee who, while qualified, had had her well poisoned by 30 years of media attacks, and didn’t represent enough of a change to enough voters to carry the day) got pantsed in 2016 by a syphilitic carnival barker who energized a base of fascists, racists, and “economically anxious” folks who (rightly or wrongly) saw both parties as having abandoned them. These are the hardcore qanon-receptive voters who, together with Repubs who were in it for the tax cuts and/or judges, pushed Trump over the top (but only just, by a technicality, and without the popular vote).

Now the party (whose leadership tolerated him as long as he turned out voters for their aside) is turning on him because he’s costing them seats, but at the same time they also need his supporters to shore up their flanks. And after allowing him to build up a cult of personality right under his tent, it’s risky for the GOP to assume all those Trumpists will fall in line behind someone else just on their say-so — especially if Trump continues to demand what he feels he’s owed. They need those Trumpists to turn on him — hence the new media narrative around DeSantis — but that’s not a sure thing.

So if Trump plays the spoiler and orders his followers to stay home or vote a third way, what does the GOP do to wean support away from Democrats in swing states to make up for the Trumpists walking out?

Moderate its tax policies and fund popular programs? Their billionaire patrons won’t have that.

Give up the culture wars bullshit? Their fundie flank won’t stay for that.

Start a war and rally the troops? There’s zero appetite for another war to get their hawks on board like they did for GWB.

Reach out and find new voters? They could do that, aping our own Stephen Harper’s strategy of reaching out to conservative-minded immigrants and nonwhite communities. But going too far that way might be dicey for their nativist wing, plus those numbers won’t counter the growing numbers of youth voters, POC women, urban/educated voters, etc.

Everyone wants to push the Dems in disarray narrative, but it’s the GOP who have fewer options for growth at the moment — especially if Trump acts true to form and takes some or all of his supporters with him. I don’t envy the GOP’s position right now, but it’s not like they didn’t earn it.

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