I'd drive right over, but my Ford van is in the shop. Literally.

Who the fuck makes a cargo van with a steering gearbox that won't last 60,000 miles???

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None of the cops around here drive Lincoln Town cars. They used Crown Victorias until Ford stopped making them, now they use Ford Taurus SHOs with the police interceptor package. But I love those Lincoln Town cars. So comfy! So boat-like!

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Another difference between Drumpf and JFK: one of them rode through Dallas in a Lincoln convertible.

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She seems nice...

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Warren Buffet already declared his side the winner. I don't think he was gloating, just stating the obvious.

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You can put lipstick on a pig but it will still be a Ford.

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Aww, shucks!

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Besides which, J. Edgar Hoover's obsessive, ruthless and dangerous feud with Dr. King is well known, even legendary. He tried to destroy King and drive him to suicide. I care rather less than nothing if J. Edgar was or wasn't a cross-dresser; he was a right bastard who abused his powers, and that's more important.Also, bloody right "Had Trump been President during Kennedy's time, surveillance would have been the LEAST of thinks done to MLK."

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There has been class warfare forever. The difference now is that the middle and lower classes are fighting back.

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Thanks, Michael. I don't have cable TV, so I never see CNN.

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Suckyoulow is one neuron shy of being a thinking, erect (not like Il Douche, however, but even that is questionable with the use of Propecia), human being. If Hoover were investigating Martin Lurther King Jr. for involvement in a conspiracy with the then president, and the then president said, don't investigate, then most certainly there would be a possible obstruction of justice. The Attorney General may be appointed by the president, and (and that is a very profound "and") confirmed by the Senate, the Justice Department is very much independent of the president. The president has no right to influence the Justice Department which serves the American people. Obviously, Suckyoulow is not acquainted with the broader points of how the Constitution functions, much less the finer points. So if the president were using his weight to curtail an investigation into any person, even those not involved in a coverup or conspiracy, the American people should be made aware of that gambit and why it is occurring.

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Excellent point. The parallels between the situations are not strong.

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I rather like that about you.

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don't forget the national drop in the crime rate, which Rudy Mussolini attributed (for NYC, anyway) to his siccing the cops on every minor(ity) offender they could get their cloven hooves on

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Now is the winter of his dissed content.

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