Oh, the LB books were right and truly skewered by a rather sane religious blogger named Fred Clark at slacktivist. His in-depth takedowns were so much fun to read...

Edit: He is at patheos.com now: <a href="http:\/\/www.patheos.com\/blogs\/slacktivist\/2011\/08\/07\/left-behind-index-i-posts-1-50\/" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist/2011/08/...">http://www.patheos.com/blog...

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I would also like to think that at least a half dozen of his classmates would medula slap Josh with their heaviest textbooks.

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Deep hurting ! Deep hurting!

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I'm waiting for his next title, which will undoubtedly be more artistically mature, and be called "Keep Your Ass Up: The Demoning" (or something like that)

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That may be the very definition of oxymoron.

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The wingnuttosphre is chock full of artists who churn out shitty art, musicians who play shitty music, writers who write shitty stories, and "scientists" who basically don't know shit. Yet none of this inherent, pervasive shittiness bothers the wingtards in the least.

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Apparently i can't get to the direct page for this idiot's book- anyone having the same problem?I don't mind, since it's terrible anyway but I wanted to see who gave this such a high rating.

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Son of a gun. It appears to no longer be available at Amazon. I'd never heard of a self-published Kindle e-book going out of "print" before. As far as I can tell, it's gone, gone gone, though the review page is still up.

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it all started with the bikini team

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I call bullshit! The chimps would have written something much, much better.

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That and "I wonder how many more of their wives and daughters I can fuck".

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I've never been able to decide if it was a good thing or a bad thing that old Al cashed in before the demonstration of spooky action at a distance.

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As a teacher, I have got to say that I wish this was real, and Josh's asshole high school coach dad actually had to deal with real teachers in the staffroom. Because it would not be pretty, let me tell you.

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I seem to remember one having a Native American woman kneeling - and I am not making that up.

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So if he thinks about mowing the lawn, he should go lift his sternum instead?Until his mom comes in and whoops his ass for not mowing the lawn like she told him. Then she will make him some sammiches.

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