What occurred to me around 1971 is that jets didn't just spring into existence. They were a series of improvements and developments over many years… evolutions, if you will. Same with iPods, books, and all that.

I can't account for Coulter, except as proof that evolution isn't a constant march forward.

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Atheists are lying assholes, deal with it, Wonkette. Also, Flat Earthers are from the same side as the Atheists, and ditto for Moon Landing hoax believers and a shit ton of other people. Evolution implies that YAHWEH EL ELOHIM did not make things right the first time, never mind that He did so, and there are a whole host of questions that Atheists can not, will not, try to deflect on, make up excuses for, or just plain flat out refuse to answer, and ditto for the rest of the other idiots that peddle their fucking bullshit.

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They do and they stole their fucking shit from other idiots that promoted the same shit before them, and anyone that is truly scientific would reject Atheism, Evolution, and all of its related ilk, @FSM2K13.

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Yes, that would be you now, would it not, @Negropolis?

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Atheism and all of its related ilk are also considered as religions, both under the definition of all of the dictionaries worldwide, and by innumerable court rulings, most notably, in the USA, Torcaso v. Watkins (1961), McCaughtry v. Kaufman (2005), and, ironically enough, American Humanist Association v. United States (2014), @4dayworkweek.

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Tikaatik is also made up bullshit, just like Nebraska Man, Piltdown Man, the brontosaurus...do you really want to get into a war here, @smitallica, you Atheist/Humanist/Evolutionist troll?

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I guess this will be the last post to mention the Flood, and I don't think anyone's linked to this <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=SR2gR6SZC2M" target="_blank">celebration</a> of that mighty storm yet.

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Someone needs to do a mathematic analysis of her blood alcohol level.

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Irresponsible little buggers...must have been liberals.

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Is that like those sneaky bastards that try to bring "aged antiques" to the Antiques Road Show?

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Oh yeah...why do we still have monkeys??

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So .... uh .... are you saying the Word of Our Lord is to be <i>interpreted</i> and is not the literal words as spake by G*d? Are you some kind of papist? or commie?

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Rule 36.

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Yeah, I think the bones turn to jello or bourbon or something.

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And his brother Tyrranosaurus?

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Geopolitical Darwinism.

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