I lost a perfectly good comment twice yesterday that mostly consisted of a link to a Nick Lowe video. I mean, what the hell?

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And here's <a href="http:\/\/i.imgur.com\/SgLrH.png" target="_blank">something to amuse the kids</a>, while they wait for the real thing to show.

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If you grew up with that shit all around, all the time, you'd hate life too.

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"Huge f* pile" describes pretty much the entire collection.

I was wondering if they got spectacularly, hilariously Poe'd, but no ... This Hugh Pyle is (or was) <a href="http:\/\/www.pyleofbooks.com\/" target="_blank">all too real</a>.

His best-seller, <i>The One Book That Covers It All </i> must be a real boon to the homeskoolers.

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Dok, I hope you got the newest edition of the Xtard sex ed book - you know, the one with the DVD.

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Do those horses shit if they're in heaven?

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<i>[But President Bush] compromised with a liberal Congress to increase government spending and raise taxes after he had promised the American people that he would support neither.</i>

Dafuck? Taxes are the work of the devil? This is one fucked-up conservatarded book.

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From biochemistry emerged life, and then multicellular life, and yadda dinosaurs yadda yadda mammals yadda yadda yadda humans, and eventually fundies (hey, it's not always upwards), and then Intelligence Resigns, so it's true.

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Given the unremitting douchebaggery of the Xtards, the Rapture is looking like a total bust. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's been cancelled until further notice.

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"make water into polluted water" LLOL (Literal Laugh Out Loud)

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I'm not surprised...I remember hearing Pat Robertson going on a tear about the ANC's connection to commies/terrorists while my grandparents were watching "The 700 Club" once when I was a kid.

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Is it illegal to use hollow-point votes? I ask, only because nuking 'em from orbit isn't an option.

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It's pretty much been <a href="http:\/\/www.dreamstime.com\/royalty-free-stock-image-no-brain-no-pain-image17954246" target="_blank">done already</a>.

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That would be <a href="http:\/\/3.bp.blogspot.com\/-YrlGPrA7mgI\/Tv6LVtnN91I\/AAAAAAAADb0\/0BkBG8Eh8pU\/s320\/muscle jesus broken cross art.jpg" target="_blank">this guy,</a> right?

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