"Pay for the girls to tease us" has potential.

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I deduct all of my donations to my secular humanism church. The IRS seems to recognize it (American Museum of Natural History), so no problems.

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"<i>Russell followed Comte in insisting that only empirically verifiable facts and logically valid mathematical equations can be true." </i>

Well, no, that's not what he said. But let's pretend it is, and ignore it. Beats the hell out of teaching it - what a timesaver! Likewise with Darwin.

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He's regretting His promise not to do it again.

Although one has to wonder - who's going to hold Him to it?

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"Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church."

-favorite bumper sticker

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It seems likely that the study is a hoax. The Daily Kos <a href="http:\/\/www.dailykos.com\/story\/2012\/12\/09\/1168477\/-Average-Fox-News-Viewer-s-IQ-80" target="_blank">thinks so</a>.

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There's rhesus. Now you have enough for a limerick.

Actually, "sees us" and tease us" are vastly more promising.

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Also elected a Democrat to the White House who put more cops on the streets. But hey, "confounding factor" isn't a phrase you hear coming from the right when they find a correlation they like, and while correlation is not causation, the absence of correlation gives the argument for causation a much steeper hill to climb, and the presence of a correlation in the opposite direction makes it more of a cliff.

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PS... while the <em>number</em> of guns may have been increasing recently (I don't believe even that was true during the Clinton years, especially after the AWB, but I can't find figures to support that assertion), the <em>percentage of households</em> owning guns <a href="http:\/\/www.vpc.org\/press\/1104norc.htm" target="_blank">peaked in 1977</a> and has been declining ever since.

I'd be somewhat interested to hear a proposed causal link that says crime should be lower if the gun nut next door owns 8 guns instead of 3. Oh hai, Javon Belcher.

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Does not allow for American exceptionalism.

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Yes, <a href="http:\/\/scienceblogs.com\/deltoid\/1994\/03\/17\/international-00021\/" target="_blank">of</a> <a href="http:\/\/scienceblogs.com\/deltoid\/2009\/01\/14\/more-guns-less-crime-hypothesi\/" target="_blank">course</a> we <a href="http:\/\/scienceblogs.com\/deltoid\/2007\/04\/18\/reynolds-claims-more-guns-less\/" target="_blank">would</a>.

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I've never been to the Human Events website. Is its unstated goal to Eventually make every American as numb as a hake?

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Maybe...maybe not. But...you can smell it. And so can the alter boy. You can hear him when he utters, "Oh no...not again".

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