And a hanky to flutter should one feel the vapors.

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Nor was most of Europe quite yet ready to accept National Socialism in 1939.

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If anyone considered Creed to be rock and roll.

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It's a derp heat.

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Not to mention former presidents who were senile during their time in office.

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You seem to have a strong moral fabric.

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Deception has a neocon bias.

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<i>"Goldwater’s greatest liability as a candidate was that Americans <u>weren't ready to accept</u> his uncompromising conservatism"</i>

Of course, it never even occurs to these cretins to use the much more truthful "refused to accept."

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No organized Satan worship? Are you calling our esteemed Editrix a <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/523048\/gay-satanists-pull-a-romney-all-over-fred-phelpss-mom" target="_blank">liar</a>?

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Remember what the dormouse said.

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Incarcerated war criminal, even better...

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Or bearing false witness...

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It's a dry heat...?

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OT: Celebrities Who Have Aged the Worst

Jesus jumped up Christ...is this how some people earn their money? They make a list of people who were super hot when they were young and look like normal people...like people who have kids in college or are grandparents and criticize them because they don't exude that airbrushed masturbatory goodness from 1979? I am in the wrong fucking business.

Oh, fuck my life. I found another list. "Celebrities Who Most Seem Like They Are Riddled with STDs". You know, we're pretty much doomed as a species.

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According to Wikipedia 52.8% of voting age Americans turned out to vote in 1980 and Mr. Raygun got 50.8% of the popular vote. My math skills tell me this means Mrs. Thatchers fantasy lover rec'd votes from approximately 26.8% of voting aged Americans.

Hence Mr. Gil Scott-Heron's slightly incorrect lyrics: <i>Because it seems as though we've been convinced that 26% of the registered voters, not even 26% of the American people, but 26% of the registered voters form a mandate or a landslide. 21% voted for Skippy and 3, 4% voted for somebody else who might have been running.</i>

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