"...as a result, men of weak character have been able to hold public office."

So the WOMEN who have held public office since then have all been of strong character. Thanks for that anyway, Land-I-Love wingtards.

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A little OT, but.....I keep seeing bumper stickers here in North Florida that say "Take Back America." I really want to ask what exactly they think this means but I'm afraid they'll turn out to be a Responsible Gun Owner Patriot and Stand Their Ground all over my liberal ass.

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<i>America was losing the goodness that Alexis de Tocqueville spoke of in 1831, “America is great because America is good. When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”</i>

Has anyone pointed out that NOWHERE in the works of de Tocqueville do these words actually appear? It was a made up "quote" that Reagan liked the sound of and so wingnuts started clinging to it as if it came directly from God.

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Shiny words on a hill?

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<blockquote>Karl Menninger’s <i>Whatever Became of Sin?</i>, which argued that since Freud didn’t believe in sin, no one takes personal responsibility for their actions anymore. No, Land I Love doesn’t actually reference the 1990s at all in this section, but you can't deny that it’s true, because we're all sinners.</blockquote>

I was a backup sinner for many years, and because of that I never got closer than 20 feet to perdition.

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Off-topic: Apparently if Wonkette ever does allow them, one will need to take care not to embed a comment too deep in snark before serving it up here. Because the Adminbot doesn't really do "meta" very well. Word to the wise. (Don't ask me why this came up.)

<i>keywords: adminbot; six degrees of sarcasm; comments not allowed; ugly vicious little snark mob; standards for sardonic socialists; pro-tip</i>

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I hope you had good binocs.

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<i>'... (Strom) Thurmond’s fervid pursuit of women... once prompted Sen. John Tower to make the famous remark that “When he dies, they’ll have to beat his pecker down with a baseball bat in order to close the coffin lid”.'</i>

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Well, I did have a good set of, um, "pipes."

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I see a picture of Bill Clinton playing saxophone and <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=iKKONgfNONU" target="_blank">this</a> almost always pops into my head.

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Remember, according to them, Jefferson was a God-fearing leader who wanted the U.S. to be beholden to Christian values.

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Would not surprise me in the least. If so, the odds of him using it to defend himself haven't noticeably changed -- so why not?

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Did he get that moniker before Monica made it literally accurate?

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I welcome the abortionplexes. Where else can I get a refreshing Orange Judas while waiting for an abotion?

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He keeps sending tornadoes and droughts, but His aim is terrible -- you'd think the fundies would be tired of taking friendly fire, year after year. Clearly, GOD HATES TRAILER PARKS.

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