I like <a href="http:\/\/www.pbs.org\/wgbh\/amex\/mwt\/gallery\/" target="_blank">A Midwife's Tale</a> for the late 1700's.

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What a <i>writhing</i> pile of horseshit this is.


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Nah, they just had protective tariffs.

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I have in the past had to use the American textbook <i>Triumph of the American Nation</i> as a US history text, because that's what our department had bought. It's big, and thorough, 'tis true, but really? That title? * And somehow, no matter what is being discussed, it always seems that the USofA was doing the right thing. I recall a particularly egregious section on how slavery helped the economy of the South thrive.

* titles of Canadian history texts: <i>Making History: The Story of Canada in the Twentieth Century </i> <i>Canada: Continuity and Change </i>. Just a leetle less self-congratulatory.

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<i>our textbooks’ chapters on advances (always advances, you know)</i>

In fairness, relentless progress and improvement -- triumph over the flaws of the past, -- is a theme in all textbooks, not just the Christiany ones. I speak as a former editor of the fucking things.

As <strike>archy the cockaroach </strike> some fine literary character of impeccable vision once said, All things are for the best in this best of all possible worlds, and this is what we must teach our children.

Otherwise they might grow up to hate us as much as we deserve.

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Bring back child labor and crime will plummet!

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And God said: young and nimble small fingers are the best suited to sewing quality leather shoes.

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And low wages meant competitive prices, and the Lord was pleased.

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"these slaves would eat at the same table"

Yep...but only after massa and his missus went to bed and then only on the scraps left behind.

What a stagnant pile of horseshit this is.

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I guess wikipedia articles are a lot easier to keep free of wingnut influence when they cover topics they are completely oblivious about (i.e. topics not mostly about white men).

Perhaps also why criticism of Zinn is usually limited to "whatta dirty commie with his dirty commie ideas" and not aimed at refuting specifics.

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And, from the description of working conditions, byssinosis. <a href="http://radiology.rsna.org/c..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://radiology.rsna.org/content/46/1/46.extract">http://radiology.rsna.org/c...

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Disturbed at the thought of children working in meatpacking houses? Well - you like veal, don't you?

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19th century America was a lot like present day China. Small farms, factories with women (small hands to make small cell phones), limited labor protections, lower life expectancy. And they are happy in the worker's dormitory. <a href="http:\/\/places.designobserver.com\/media\/images\/pai-guangdong-12_525.jpg" target="_blank">See?"</a> Looks like God shines his blessings on the heathens now.

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I suspect the Talking Book version of this horseshit fails to have Johnny Cash singing "16 Tons" in the background and never mentions scrips. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrip">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

Which is why Fartknocker will have nothing to do with Disney because they want payment in Disney dollars if you go to Rat world. On the other hand, we take dollars, gold, silver, guns, ammunition or whiskey if you want to visit my various Abortionplexs.

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