If a homeskool crazy revisionist parent repeats a lie enough, a socially isolated and brainwashed kid will believe it.

Children are our future...

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I have certainly learned a thing or two about the Old Hickory dickery, Dok!

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Tribal? Parochial? WAIT! got it: Klanish.

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Or the enemy doesn't believe in transubstantiation and the tripartite nature of the deity, or favors Krishna over Allah.

Give religion its honored place in the history of human misery!

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When I go to the Lincoln Memorial and read it carved in marble, it brings tears to my eyes every time. Starts off as if the recording secretary is reporting the minutes of last week's meeting and ends like the voice of God, if there were one.

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And 4x4s. Gotta have yer truck, man.

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To paraphrase something John Kerry never said, who among us does not love <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=YcIYUhnoEMw" target="_blank">calypso</a>?

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In absolute fairness, their "homeland" <i>was</i> being invaded, as most of the war was fought in the Confederacy's territory. When the nation was only 87 years old and travel was difficult and expensive and dangerous, it's not hard to imagine people being more loyal to Illinois or Mississippi than to a "nation" whose headquarters city was so far away as to almost be an abstraction.

In the wonderful book <i>Lincoln at Gettysburg</i>, Garry Wills makes the case that the Gettysburg Address was the first prominent use of the word "nation" to describe the US, and that before the War everyone said "these United States" rather than "the United States."

People can and do behave nobly in support of an ignoble cause. And no cause could have been more ignoble than the continuation of human chattel slavery.

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After the traitor was captured, he was kept prisonr for some years in the casemates below the fortifications at Fort Monroe VA. Haven't been there since it was BRACed but the museum is probably still there and worth seeing. Then-loyal Lt Robert E Lee's family quarters are also on Fort Monroe, which is a <a href="http:\/\/goo.gl\/maps\/NTAFi" target="_blank">beautiful place</a>.

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That's why this <a href="http:\/\/abporter.files.wordpress.com\/2008\/10\/obama100kpeoplestlouis.jpg" target="_blank">picture</a> from the '08 campaign is so poignant. The first two trials of Dred Scott case were held in "the Old Courthouse" beyond Barry on the podium.

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Or <a href="https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Andersonville_National_Historic_Site" target="_blank">Andersonville</a>. <blockquote>As we entered the place, a spectacle met our eyes that almost froze our blood with horror, and made our hearts fail within us. Before us were forms that had once been active and erect;—stalwart men, now nothing but mere walking skeletons, covered with filth and vermin. Many of our men, in the heat and intensity of their feeling, exclaimed with earnestness. "Can this be hell?" "God protect us!" and all thought that He alone could bring them out alive from so terrible a place. In the center of the whole was a swamp, occupying about three or four acres of the narrowed limits, and a part of this marshy place had been used by the prisoners as a sink, and excrement covered the ground, the scent arising from which was suffocating. The ground allotted to our ninety was near the edge of this plague-spot, and how we were to live through the warm summer weather in the midst of such fearful surroundings, was more than we cared to think of just then.</blockquote>

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One in four white Southern families owned slaves at the start of the war. So yes, the "overwhelming majority" of (white) Southerners did not own slaves. But they all loved to kick'em around. Made you feel good about yourself!

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In all my years of history in elementary school, high school and college, we <i>never</i> made it past the Depression. But we did make many colorful yarn-on-cardboard maps of exploration and trade routes. Vasco de Gama! Henry Hudson! And the great Spanish explorer, Cristobol Colon!

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I have to admit...I had a small chuckle at that. I'm bad, I know.

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Jeez, that God is such a dick!

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I stand in slack jawed awe that anyone would try to downplay how utterly fucking wrong slavery was and is.

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