No mention of Wobblies?

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Blessed are the poor, and thank God for the Christian capitalists who selflessly work to assure they receive all their blessings in heaven, and not a moment earlier.

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Ha ha, remember back in the 50s when a father could work at one job that would provide for his whole family, give him a pensioned retirement, and pay enough that he could save some to send the kids to an affordable state college?

Of course in those dark days the scourge of unions was strong, encompassing up to 35 percent of the workforce in 1954. Now that it's down to 12 percent (only 7.8 in the private sector!) everything's <i>much</i> better for the working class family.

Okay, Mom, don't forget to set the alarm for your early shift at Hardee's tomorrow. Dad'll drop the kids off at school on his way to work at Walmart, and you can pick 'em up when you get off at 3:00.

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Is this why Southerners hate unions so much?

<blockquote>Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.</blockquote> —A Lincoln

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The meeting has been rescheduled for 4:20.

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<i>Unions in the AFL did not oppose child labor primarily out of sympathy for children, but because child labor contributed to low wage rates and made jobs for adults more scarce.</i>

Similarly, Christianistas (Southern Baptists, anyhoo) did not support slavery out of sympathy for plantation owners, but because their biblical Yahweh sanctioned it.

And to their credit, changed their minds after losing a war ... and learning the value of blahs to their college football programs.

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<i>"Anarchists, Communists, and even socialists often used labor strikes to stir up trouble.</i>

Even socialists! Say it ain't so. Say it ain't so.

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<i>"If it takes every dollar in the Treasury and every soldier in the United States to deliver a postal card in Chicago — that postal card should be delivered."</i>

Assignment: Write a 300 word essay compare and contrast President Cleveland's insistence that the Federal government fulfill its duties at all costs with today's Republican efforts to stop the Federal government at all costs.

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That's probably just a mirror.

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Oh no you di-int...

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The Gilded Age sounds like a libertarian paradise...by which I mean it sounds super-duper shitty.

Of course they would probably find some reason the industrial age prior to progressive movement reforms wasn't a true libertarian era because...um....tariffs?

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Perhaps "popular" is the wrong word...

<b>Dusty Bottoms:</b> What does that mean, in-famous? <b>Ned Nederlander:</b> Oh, Dusty. In-famous is when you're MORE than famous. This man El Guapo, he's not just famous, he's IN-famous.

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