Lincoln believed that government should do only what people cannot do for themselves.

Like, maybe, free the slaves?

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The wingnutz are busy writing Jefferson out of the picture, for insufficent Jeebusness.

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<i>we’ll focus on the weird stuff.</i>

Not to nit-pick, Dok, but when it comes to Christianist 'History', that's a bit like astonomers focusing on stars. OK, I'm nit-picking...a bit.

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"denying the vote to many former Confederates,"

I think the "many" in this case were high ranking confederates, not so much the rank and file. But anyway, what is it about traitor you don't understand?

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Perception of government being corrupt makes it ok to lynch brown people to "improve the situation"? Violent and racist? Only a little. Sometimes.

This makes them sound like football heros.

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Southern plantation owners might also have taken up rocketry and flown to the moon with wings poached from buffaloes by railroad hunters.

I give the two events about even odds.

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A rare case of history books being written by the losers.

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So you're telling me "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" is as factual if not more so than our school textbooks?

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If the past is a different country the South is a different planet.

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Letting local government, businesses, churches, and individual families govern themselves and solve their own problems, because they "knew what was best"; allowing the plantation owners to manage their own estates -- THAT WAS THE FUCKING PROBLEM, YOU MORANS.

Sheesh, <i>these people...</i>

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Well, more factual than <i>these</i> schoolbooks.

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Also, <i>This is why history should be written by the winners.</i>

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While many Southern blacks were disenfrinchised by voter ID laws, plutocrats and billionaires manipulated the white voters, using their votes to support the corrupt practices of dishonest men. Selfish politicians wasted much tax money, and the South remained economically depressed.

The more things change...

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My new plan: 1. Buy a carpetbag. 2. Head south. 3. ??? 4. Profit!

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