“even the history of American imperialism, probably better than average among imperialist nations, has its darker side of acquisition by conquest and duplicity.”

Even the most libtard history texts of the 70's and 80's (and before) would never have a statement like this. Thirty five Noam Chomsky books later and even wingnut texts acknowledge it. PROGRESS!!!!!!!

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I actually contributed some pictures to a physics text for Bob Jones. They were pictures taken through a microscope using polarized light. (They had seen some on my web site, they asked nicely, and so I sent them some, because not being a pr**k) In return, they sent me a copy of the text. You'll be reassured to know that Christian polarized light works much the same as secular polarized light. It's pretty hard to get ideological about physics, so, apart from the usual crap about how the Second Law of Thermodynamics disproves evolution, it was pretty decent. I'd be happy to have a high school student know the physics they have in that book.

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Okay, time to reread Vidal's <i>Empire</i>.

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I thank you, Dok- these cartoons are going straight into the online US History course I'm setting up to teach in February!

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Our missionaries were way better than Spain's! USA! USA!

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Sounds like the GOP platform, although it's better presented.

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You can do any damned thing you want, so long as you're convinced that God's on your team.

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"He wanted the Philippines to be an independent nation and, in 1899, led a rebel army against American rule. It took three years and 70,000 American troops to put down this uprising."

Interesting way of "setting them up for independence."

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Well, Roosevelt is a tricky one to quote. This is the same guy who said "When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.'"

That particular quote most likely doesn't fit in their mental model of the ideal U.S. gubmint.

...or maybe it does.

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And let's not forget the gift of 'the water cure' inflicted on the Philippine people.

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Even most-beloved foe of imperialism G Orwell credits the Brits with building railroads throughout India/Pakistan and maybe even Bangladesh.

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Louisiana, Gadsden and Alaska purchases? That is, if you buy the land fair and square from the previous imperialists, are you an imperialist too?

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Worst part of the Indians was that they made lousy laborers, preferring to disappear into the bush over living out their brief lives being worked to death.<br /><br /><br />What to do? What to do?<br /><br /><br />Here: take this boatload of Africans. They're not going anywhere!

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Think the Brits built, or at least designed, those railroads, as the trains run on the \"wrong side\" of the track.

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God in His mercy allowed the natives to be killed and then buried as Christians solving many problems for all involved.

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