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<i>General MacArthur’s betrayal by Truman</i>

I can't wait. I will reread the relevant section of Thomas Ricks's "The Generals" in preparation. "But after the initial hoopla [following his hero's return to the US after being canned], seeing MacArthur up close seemed not to build his support among Americans but to erode it. At congressional hearings on his firing ... he used three days of testimony to try to cast the debate over the conduct of the Korean War as one of military professionals being frustrated by inept civilians. That gambit failed when it became clear from other testimony that he also had been deeply at odds with the Joint Chiefs of Staff." (p. 197).


Still, what a shame that we missed the chance start a nuclear war with China in 1951.

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Americanism is a thing? That's a new one to me, but I lead a very sheltered life.

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Actually, he settled for Hitler after being turned-away by the Allies.

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The odd C-97, which was the closest thing might be considered 'huge' by the standards of 1948.

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Dok, ya gotta provide a link to the last week's installment! I missed it last week, and you guys are so fucking prolific these days that it will take hours of scanning through the 'old news' to find it!

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Berlin is smaller than it appears from the air.

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<i>it’s always more fun to keep metaphorically fighting a war when your side won,</i>

Sounds like they're just Stalin for more time.

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A rigorous application of A Beka's standards would reveal even the likes of Mather and John Winthrop to be pinkos, what with they're concerns for 'the common wealth' and all.

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Unperson Tovarish Stopkova could not be reached for comment.

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And that's how Stalin went from Uncle Joe to Satan's Handmaiden. Growing up we were told the Soviet Union and her satellites were filled with brainwashed, unhappy people. And they <i>were</i> unhappy but perhaps we in the West were just as brainwashed. And if you were a person of color, LGBT, or a freethinker in the West you were possibly unhappy as well. The change in my worldview of the godless commies came when videos of protestors of those countries were shown in the U.S. There were good-looking women over there! Young women and older women, not obese or muscular robots, lovely and well-dressed. And demonstrating for their rights. There were young guys with long hair, working class intellectuals, artists and musicians. An entire citizenry that weren't the cookie-cutter villains we'd been taught they were. Then came the 'peace dividend' and it seemed the military-industrial complex would be reduced to small peacekeeping roles and humanity was making progress. Then came 9/11, Bush's response to it, a couple of failed wars, and best of all (for the military-industrial complex) Putin was rearing his head. And not only did the fear/kill volume get turned back up it got turned back up higher than ever before. The budget for our military and spies is enormous. And thank the God Mars will stay that way for many years to come. Duck and cover!!!!

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Maybe not, but it oughta be. The world can always be reduced to dichotomies between unblemished moral purity and abject turpitude if one thinks rationally and considers the evidence. Sometimes prayer is required also, too.

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Pay no attention to the color or smell of the water the free market guards the people with.

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That's not history class, that's PhysEd.

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Fellow traveler.

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KIEV? That's sounds like a commie station.

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