I sympathize with your frustration as far as a childless man can, but I'm not sure what skills would help. It took Whitehead and Russell until page 86 of Vol II to prove that 1 + 1 = 2, so working it out from first principles may not be feasible.

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Did Adam get around to clearing up the small matter of when the rest of the critters were made? Genesis I says before Adam, Genesis II says afterwards. (It just seems like something the iiteral Truthers <i>ought</i> to take an interest in.)

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Could also eliminate computing courses, because al-Kwarismi. Although, without al-jabr, you really lack necessary groundwork for programming anyway.

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Wait 'til God finds out that they're giving <i>me</i> credit for evolution!

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Just, you know, <i>"asking the question."</i>

Even with CGI, getting eight million critters into that boat is going to be a challenge. Unless it''s "bigger on the inside," and I'm not sure how well a TARDIS will fly with the literalist loons.

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Sheesh . . . this is <i>Wonkette</i>. "I read it on the internet" is more than adequate as a citation - in fact, it's just assumed.

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Once they get rid of them godless <i>Arabic</i> numerals, the rest of the math curriculum goes down the tubes pretty quickly. Long division with Roman numerals will keep the kiddies busy for months.

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What the cartoon fails to show is the sheer precipice beyond the top step, where a bunch of religious nutters have taken a flying "leap of faith." The guys walking back are thinking to themselves "Fuck that shit."

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The only skill most kids use today is the calculator. As a teacher (History and English, most definitely NOT math), I am constantly shocked by how little the current crop of students have of that basic math reference material in their brain. Rote learning has its place for those things. I am totally stupid at math, but by god I know my times tables, and they save me time.

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I had to memorize the prepositions followed by the ablative case in Latin ( a, cum, de, ex, in, sine,pro,sub). And noun declensions (puella, puellae, etc, etc.) As far as I know, there is no other way to do it.

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Even with a chaser of that shit the Canadians call whisky?

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There is no better book than Lord of Light.

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Besides, I doubt that any other country flipped sides as quickly or as often as you guys did, back in the day. Henry VIII before divorce: Burn the Protestants! Henry VIII after divorce: Hang, draw and quarter the Catholics! Edward VI: more of the same Mary: Burn the Protestants! Elizabeth: Hang, draw and quarter the Catholics! Charles I: chop off the Puritans' ears It would have made it difficult to decide which religion to follow, when you never knew what the next monarch would do. Which is a bog reason why James II got shown the door and Wiliiam and Mary were invited over in 1688/9.

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