Ceausescu was pretty good at it, if I recall.

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Suggest that Michelle uses Santeria rather than tarot, The wingnuts would simultaneously be pleased that their prejudices were confirmed and be indignant that such things could happen in the USA.

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good old Smedley. Or as George put it, "we have always been at war with east whoeverthefuck"

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I suggest replacing swords, batons, cups and coins with dicks, whips, lady parts and whore diamonds. The Editrix will be Queen of Whips. Any nominations for the Fool? (He said, inviting the obvious answer.)

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Yeah, right. <i>I could have conquered India and China, but then I took an arrow in the <strike>knee</strike> lung.</i>

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Never forget evil war-drarf Henry Kissinger's wry jape about the Iran-Iraq war:

"It's too bad they both can't lose."

Why can't Obama and his hired help exhibit this jaunty mix of geopolitical deep thinking and careless disregard for human suffering?

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It's more than just the Monroe Doctrine. Ask the Hawaiians how they felt about toppling their monarchy in order to let Dole and the sugar companies run amok. The Monroe Doctrine is just one rationalization among many for utilizing American military might to enrich the one percent. The Middle East, South America, Southeast Asia, if you have something we want we'll find an excuse to invade or overthrow- ask Mosaddegh's government.

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Ironically, one of the few times we chose not to negotiate with Iran was in 1953, when their democratically elected government wanted a fair price for all the oil BP and others were pumping out of their country. And just like recently, the NYT was there cheerleading on the BS

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just your bank's routing and account numbers, along with the last four of your S.S.

we'll figure out the rest...

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I hate to burst your bubble, but she's married and has a kid.

but you can fuck Reagan's moldering corpse all you want- I'd suggest using a back hoe

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Those Raspberry Berets were indispensable in fighting the commies

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He was responsible for SALT 1 arms reduction and the EPA and he did propose healthcare reform far more sweeping than Obamacare (with, gasp, an individual mandate), but he also committed essentially treason by rat fucking the Paris Peace Accords when he sent back channel communications to the South Vietnamese to pull out of the talks because he'd give them a better deal when he got elected (they literally pulled out on the eve of Johnson announcing an end to all bombing in North Vietnam).

Johnson even knew about it, but couldn't say anything without revealing that the FBI was bugging the SV ambassador's phone and the NSA was intercepting their communications (plus, both Johnson and Humphrey thought he'd beat Nixon). Instead the Vietnam war ballooned into Laos and Cambodia and dragged on for years and thousands of dead American soldiers.

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They watch Faux News, become climate denialists and teabaggers, and wait for Jeebus, who's coming back any day now. The real world is for the rest of us to live in.

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I essentially agree, other than the nitpick that IMHO they were about both ideology and personal enrichment (granted, "Murica fuck yeah" is a childish and simplistic ideology). It's hard to untangle the good guys vs. the commies foreign policy from garden variety grift because the two are so intimately entwined in a toxic stew of jingoism and self interest.

Many of those clowns honestly believed they were doing right by America fighting socialism, but then again they also saw nothing wrong with plundering and looting the whole time to stuff their pockets. Some were true believers, some were cynics who just wanted the payday- a lot of them were some combination of both.

None of that excuses them though. It became an American scandal because not enough people in this country got mad enough to demand that heads rolled- too many at the top got their cut and were willing to look the other way and too many of the unwashed masses couldn't be bothered with paying attention. The fact that the ex head spook and man in the middle of the Iran-Contra mess got elected anyway is proof of our collective complicity. He should have been toxic, but he didn't become unpopular until he threatened to raise our taxes a little bit. We do indeed get what we deserve.

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True dat. Democrats at the time didn't want people to think they were out to impeach every Republican president so soon after coming close to impeaching Nixon. Because that thinking has worked out really well since then.

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