Bill Clinton was raised Southern Baptist and Hillz is a lifelong Methodist so they will get rave reviews from A Beka, no?

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It was a <a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/mind-blown_zps9ed9c678.jpg" target="_blank">mind blowing</a> performance.

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And a lot of conservatives are still afraid he mighta been right. (actually, they are completely sure he was right, and no amount of government officials, including the President and Darth Cheney himself, saying otherwise will convince them it isn't still a <i>totally real and immanent danger</i>)

(and also they have no idea that there is a difference between the words imminent, eminent, and immanent, judging by the infinitude of combinations I've seen on the inter nets)

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Well the whole thing about killing his son was a new invention.

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Also that Obama won the Revolutionary War.

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Birth control, abortion, marriage, butt stuff, and so forth aren't rights in the Constitution for a good reason: <b>women</b> want to do them, not <b>people</b>.

Conservatives are in favor of <b>people's</b> lives being as free as possible, especially when a Republican official wants to do any of the above while still restricting <b>women's</b> rights.

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Possibly because it never did, but it might at some point, especially if you count every expenditure that doesn't personally benefit a plutocrat as "welfare" and are very, very sloppy with the math.

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"government’s main responsibility is to protect people and property"...and to shove its hand up a woman's vagina.

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Yes he did! But charged a tooth for it, hence: a tooth for a tooth. Same deal for vision problems.

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Does the book mention how we lost Vietnam because Goldwater's atom bomb strategy was never given a chance?

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Looks a bit like Bruce Willis singing there, from the period when he still had hair.

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Wait, I'm so confused ... I thought JFK was a Republican ... didn't he grow up to be Reagan ???

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I never knew that welfare spending constituted 75% of the US budget.

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"A conservative is a person who believes that the government's main responsibility is to protect people and property from crime and from foreign invaders...". But when seconds count the police are minutes away, so moar gunz.

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Proof that Oswald didn't act alone - clearly he was performing in concert at the time!

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<i>As for Kennedy’s governance, both books ... bemoan the fall of Cuba to Castro"</i>

But wasn't that Obama's fault?

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