There's also the fact that every President operates with the military force left by the predecessor President, because weapons system development and procurement is a <i>really</i> long process.

So Ronnie "defeated" the USSR* using Jimmy's military (which had, in fact, been substantially beefed up). Dubya shocknawed Saddam with Bill's Air Force, and tried to occupy Iraq by stop-lossing Bill's Army and Marines.

To be fair, Bubba bombed the fuck out of Kosovo using Ron/Poppy's Air Force. It does work both ways.

* The USSR collapsed because they ran out of money after a fifty-year-long arms race, that was vigorously supported on the US side by every President, regardless of party, since Truman. Reagan (well, of course, it was actually GHWB, but who cares about facts) just happened to be in (recently out of) office when the commies went tits-up.

I occasionally wonder if anyone's attitude would be different if Gorbachev had waited thirteen more months to resign, putting a Democrat in the White House at the time. Then I realize I'm hypothesizing that facts might matter, and of course they don't.

As an aside, I take some joy in the probability that Reagan never knew that he had "won" the Cold War.

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Caterer? Vendor? Security? Sound man? Owner of the venue? Republican?

So many questions.

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"It's in Simi Valley because of course it's in Simi Valley" is possibly the most concise description of Simi Valley I've ever seen.

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At the risk of being overly academic, I must point out that, for some time now, this has been an oxymoron.

Oh, wait. This is Wonkette, where comments are an oxymoron? Nevermind.

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An adult man with the nickname "Scooter"? The fuck, indeed.

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Bands with eyeliner-wearing men with shoulder pads, big hair and doing lots of cocaine, at that. *drum fill* hwah!

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My take on the timing of the hostage release was simply that Ahmedinajad and co. (Yes, that's who Reagan was cutting deals with) loathed Carter, from whom they got nothing, and waited until 12:01 as a final "fuck you".

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Because nothing could possibly be more patriotic than literally destroying America, an acre at a time. Oh wait that's right, he doesn't believe the country even exists, that's how fucking patriotic he is!

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Hedwig, I presume?

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Well put, although I still hate Reagan and his cabal of puppet-masters a wee bit more because of their blatant sale of the country to the rich.

Also, I have just learned that I cannot use the word "outr1ght" on Insane Debate.

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It was the part where he started heating up. Scared him.

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oh goodie, we can look forward to his criminal neglect of the burgeoning crisis of the AIDS epidemic also too,because them gheys were icky and deserved their disease. Maybe we can talk about him destroying unions as well, starting with the air traffic controllers- I nearly died in college when our chartered plane almost landed on top of another one taxiing down the runway because the scabs had no clue what they were doing.

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How'd they decide that LBJ was a failed presidency?

oh yeah, The Civil Rights Act of 1964

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Lady Peggington of Never Empty Gordon's?

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