Amazon ranks it near the bottom of the whole religion/faith/woo category . . . and you know there's a ton of worthless dreck in that category.

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Unless you have one of those "bundles" of joy.

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But they are located approx. 60-65 miles west of Rochester. The Niagara River goes nowhere near Kodachromeville. Roch is on the Genesee R.

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Je suis Ernie.

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Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, which probably would include Hemingway after all, come to think of it.

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I can't wait till he gets to James Joyce.

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To summarize his argument:

There was only one Catch, and that was literacy.

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There's some good hellfire preaching in <i>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man</i>, albeit from a Catholic priest.

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He fucked the wrong British.

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But Tolkien's knockin' em dead in the movies!

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Not surprised to see that Hemingway, like Twain, had a familiar. Come to think of it, he had a whole collection of six-toed devils . . . their descendants still live at his old house.

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Way better than Swanson, which I know isn't saying much.

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...the devil is a good writer, and ungodly men often produce excellent literature in form,” and so “the Christian reader must consciously hold the ideas at arm’s length...

Alternatively, get some reading glasses.

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"Christians don’t win Nobel Prizes from apostate institutions"

Left Behind was totally robbed by both the Nobel Committee and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

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As a card-carrying homosexual, I can honestly say the only influence I remember Hemingway having on me was a renewed dedication to <i>using goddamned adjectives</i>. Oh, and I did once list the shotgun he used to kill himself as a childhood hero, but in my defense, I really hated that writing seminar.

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Was going to use Aquinas' <a href="http:\/\/www.scandalon.co.uk\/philosophy\/cosmological_aquinas.htm" target="_blank">fourth argument</a> to argue that nothing "good" can come from evil, but, meh. Too popey.

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