<i>The road to Gomorrah</i>

Worst Hope/Crosby movie ever!!1!

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<i>If hundreds of millions of dead bodies may be counted the fruits of this man’s work, does this not prove the legitimacy of these early writings, and the compact that the young Marx made with the devil?</i>

They can't; it doesn't; he didn't. Next?

I'd be inclined to generosity if he were writing this in a five-page undergrad report on the literature of Karl Marx, as long as he included the answer "no, but..." to all of the express and implied questions in this otherwise poorly-expressed argument, but it's just <i>bad writing.</i> No social science major writes like that after sophomore year, because a) we're smart, and b) they teach you how to write thoughtful rhetoric.

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OTOH, the sequel, <i> The Road to Sodom</i> refined the term "buddy movie".

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Satan is the go-to Deus ex Machina for the Fundie wingnuts. Whenever their crap obviously no longer adds up and even the slack-jawed yokels start to say 'wait a minute, that doesn't even make sense', the Fundies pound the pulpit and scream "Satan did it!" in order to spackle over all the glaring flaws in their argument and pull themselves out of whatever corner they've painted themselves into with their incoherent rhetoric. Something sound too ridiculously goofy and logically impossible? Blame Satan!

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No, we're the People's Front of Anarcho-syndicalist Communism


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Always wondered why we had Sodomy, but no Gomorraism.

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It's not his fault, he has Asberger's.

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Like drunkards, men who've killed off as many brain-cells as Swanson are feeling no pain.

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Back in the 1950s and early 60s, a very large, impossibly bright flash that suddenly appeared in the daytime sky would have had other implications, namely the <a href="http:\/\/youtu.be\/qjnm3V0xYjI" target="_blank">Sword of the Archangel </a> Teller-Ulam.

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"You would have had to search long and hard to find any small city state over the 4,000 years of world history leading up to Rousseau’s life that mandated a compulsory attendance law in order to indoctrinate hundreds of millions (if not billions) of citizens in statist ideologies."

Or, unlike Swanson, you might know enough of history to have heard of the Spartans.

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For someone who claims to be pious, Mr. Swanson sure is obsessed with "the debbil". Maybe we should call an exorcist?

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St. Patrick, the patron saint of public urination, does not find Swanson's argument compelling.

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Some more quotes from that crazy Marx: <i>Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.

The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.


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<em>The road to Gomorrah is slippery, and it is coated with the Teflon of utilitarianism and pragmatism ...</em>

That wasn't quite the slippery coating I was thinking of ...

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That's just logic. No wild speculative leaps here...

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I heard Isaac Newton once had sex without procreating, therefore calculus is invalid.

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