Two can be as bad as one.

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you'd think that any animal up to 14 hands would have no problem touching itself...

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and a nice Chianti

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if this is the case, it certainly explains the picture in Glasspusher's link to the gun show article.

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"We could 'evolve' back into monkeys, say 'scientists'!"

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True story: Masturbation somehow came up in Psych 101 and the supposed consequences. I asked all the students to hold out their open hands, which they did. I then pronounced this myth false on the grounds that no palms had hair, and I was pretty sure some of them had masturbated in the last 24 hours. It's amazing that I haven't been fired, really.

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That's a hell of a burden.

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Please accept this virtual apple. You are now my favorite teacher...supplanting my previous favorite teacher, also a psych teacher. One of the guys in my class claimed white racial superiority because he was given authority over a $60,000 Army vehicle. My teacher thought for a moment and said, "you were given command...of a truck and this makes you superior?".

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I asked my nieces (6 and 7 years old) the difference between God and Santa and I was told that God was not fat.

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So Sir Galahad WAS the most gallant of the knights!

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Quality Assurance has never felt so good...

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Almost OT: the motto of the old Aldus Freehand newsgroup was "The other hand is busy."

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Will someone think of the poor underutilized prostates?

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I was just listening to that. Coincidence? I think not.

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I'm usually distracted by all the crying.

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I got something along those lines once eating at Chik-fil-A.

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