Could be worse ... imagine if these fundie wackos discovered that they have a lot in common!

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But then they have to cook up some horseshit argument against the 14C dating. (Not that they didn't have to cook up horseshit arguments against all the other isotope clocks.) The "tricks to test our faith" dodge, on the other hand, is universally deployable against any and all evidence.

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Yep ... the whole fucking universe is one big practical joke.

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Sticking a <a href="http:\/\/scienceblogs.com\/tetrapodzoology\/2009\/07\/28\/inside-natures-giants-part-ii\/" target="_blank"> pelvis into a whale</a> . . . sheer genius, innit? I'm really proud of that stunt.

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The ones who are intelligent enough get out . . . the ones who aren't, stay behind and raise the next generation of goobers. Over time, as the "smart genes" leave the pool, you end up with a really, really stupid and ignorant population. Why, you might even call it . . . gee, I dunno . . . a process of <i>selection</i>.

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I flunked religion . . . failed to grasp the notion that only Catholics could go to heaven. I still have that report card, with five A's and an F. I may yet frame it and hang it on the wall.

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8 million species, 20-foot boat . . . 0.00003 inches per species. You can see why they don't want the kids to learn math.

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The phases of Venus were the first clue . . . but it was Jupiter's moons that nailed it.

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To quote Charlie Pierce: "If you fuck with the Society, the Society WILL fuck with you"

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Hadn't thought about it, but perfectly true.

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So, at least one of the men was gay.

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It's written in the inerrant language of HTML 1.0.

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Is there nothing they can't do?

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I love this comment. In a carnal way.

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