There's two great things about the length of a test cricket match. One is that you don't have to watch every minute (I don't think anyone watches every minute, even the commentators work shifts). The other is that it allows for a battle of wills that's unlike anything else you'll see in sports.

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I actually admire Lizzy II, Immortal God-Empress of Albion and Undying Sovereign of the Lizard People, but that pick of husband sure wasn't her best. And that definitely was her choice; the Court didn't much care for the marriage. But, then, she was very young, and he really was incredibly hot, and divorce was never the option for her it was for her kids.

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Really fine work, Doktor, sourcing the African prince. And bonus points for finding Brits debunking Brits. (Bows low.)

While the authors were singing the praises of the Empire, why didn't they mention the main benefit to the heathens? We gave them games at which they could consistently kick our arses later on.

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And the copper, and the rubber, and the cotton, too, also.

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Saw a pin on pinterest that made my toes curls... "Use the Bible as your main text for home schooling!" Ye gods. Those poor children.

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Well, but then there's <a href="http:\/\/hitchhikers.wikia.com\/wiki\/Brockian_Ultra-Cricket" target="_blank">this</a>

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Damn right Britain still got to use the ports. Hell, Canada didn't even have its own navy until 1910. AND Canada got Confederated and quasi-independent in 1867 because England wanted it that way. Canada was just too darn expensive to run, without high enough returns. Besides, all those pesky white people living there weren't as expendable/biddable as those brown people in Africa and India.

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I knew it! Didn't even have to click.

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You are expecting more of their mother than is reasonable.

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Damn I love XTC.

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Well, the English had to start SOMEWHERE.

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The Who Libel!

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Thank you; just added that to my WWI curriculum.

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Well, hell, the cavalry charge worked for a couple of millennia. You don't actually expect these guys to use their brains, do you?

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And those Barnardo kids often were treated very harshly in their new "homes". Not a shining moment in the history of Canada or Great Britain.

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What was done under that rule in the Congo is stunning, and not in a good way. And we western nations wonder why they are so fucked up there today.

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