Jim Bakker?

Needz moar runny MASCARA!

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Right -- Saint Ronnie sells arms to our (situational) frenemies the mullahs in order to illegally fund a vicious little war in Central America and LIES LIES LIES about it to Congress and the American people and that's somehow OK.

Ten years later Terrible Monster and Diabolical Antichrist Bill Clinton gets a beej* and it's the end of civilization as we know it.

(*which while a bit vulgar is a totally private matter unconnected with running the country)

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Not yet mentioned: during this same period the US economy boomed like never before and the unemployment rate hit record lows, driven in part by the huge demand for strings of pearls, fainting couches and high dudgeon within a certain segment of Washington society.

Both textbooks will surely highlight this and the fact that the Federal budget ran consecutive surpluses for the first time in anyone's memory, right?

(Also too back then a certain self-styled philosoph was able to earn enough of a living to temporarily delude himself into thinking that he had made it into the middle class.)

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And yet somehow, a mere eight years later...

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Say, you know who <i>else</i> came to power as a result of an election despite not winning the popular vote?

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Oh, yeah. Maricopa County, wasn't it?

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Would not surprise me if they teach "potatoe" in proper Xtard schoolbooks.

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Majoring in political science was his priority -- because sending other people off to war was his style right from the beginning.

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His almost equally genius Chief of Staff, Bill Kristol, certainly has not gone anywhere.

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"Like a FEW other young men..."??!! Most of the guys I knew avoided the draft. In fact, let's take a poll of Congress, the AFA, the NRA, and the GOP wing of every state legislature and see how many were in the military.

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"A series of women from the president’s past accused him of sexual immorality. This time Sigmund Freud was incorrect. A cigar wasn't just a cigar."

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Nah, these books were just published before that clever trope was invented.

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Schrodinger's Draw.

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It also helped that LBJ could take a recalcitrant Senator or Congressman up to the White House, "persuade" him that if he wants to keep the pork flowing to his State/District or he wants to keep his seat next term he'll play ball with what the President wants, and not worry that said legislator would go crying to some media outlet about how "mean" the President was to them.

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<i>This investigation went on throughout the Clinton administration and eventually led to the president’s greatest humiliation late in his second term.</i>


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