Flock of Geniuses- one of my favorite new wave bands. What you said can't be stressed enough- vote down ticket. Too many on the left only vote for the 'sexy' elections and skip the boring stuff. The wingnuts OTOH fight tooth and nail for every council seat, every school board position, every otherwise unremarkable elected job that can have serious real world consequences over the long haul. That's in large part why things are so screwed up- liberals get complacent and mock the wingnuts for their zealotry, but those folks burrow in to positions of local power like a bunch of ticks and they're just as hard to remove.
Seriously, how widespread is this crap? If we survive this shit, can you imagine how <i>they</i> will be written about in future textbooks? I hope it isn&#039;t generous.
The funny thing is- the hippies were right about just about everything. They were right about the immorality of the war, about the empty materialism of their parents&#039; generation, about the hypocrisy and corruption in our government, about the environment, about the need for sustainability, about the importance of openness and tolerance, about the dangers of the blind authoritarianism that is so prevalent today, about the whole &#039;make love, not war&#039; thingy, about needing to change the paradigm and shake up the status quo, and on and on.
The things they managed to get really wrong were their tendency to deify drug use to the point that it went from being a tool to expand consciousness to being a bad habit or worse yet, a crippling addiction (look at the 70&#039;s, all the hedonism and none of the higher principals- somehow we went from psychedelic calls to storm the castle and change the world to doing blow, listening to Disco and saying &quot;have a nice day&#039;. They also misunderestimated the whole &quot;everybody do their own thing&quot; mindset. When everyone tunes in, turns on and drops out, eventually you realize that nobody has any money because nobody has a job and that in the meantime, those that you oppose philosophically are making the bucks and will be able to buy their influence with it. Probably the biggest mistake the hippies made though, was their belief that patchouli was an adequate substitute for daily hygiene...
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Flock of Geniuses- one of my favorite new wave bands. What you said can&#039;t be stressed enough- vote down ticket. Too many on the left only vote for the &#039;sexy&#039; elections and skip the boring stuff. The wingnuts OTOH fight tooth and nail for every council seat, every school board position, every otherwise unremarkable elected job that can have serious real world consequences over the long haul. That&#039;s in large part why things are so screwed up- liberals get complacent and mock the wingnuts for their zealotry, but those folks burrow in to positions of local power like a bunch of ticks and they&#039;re just as hard to remove.
OTOH, Jack Ruby would have been the next Larry Flynt.
Oh, crap. You mean my whole life, I&#039;ve never heard live music? It&#039;s all been dead.
&#039;Scuse me. I need some of Dame Peggers&#039; gin. It must be 10am <i>some</i>where.
Just simple Christianist reverse topology. Their boxes keep things &amp; people <i>out</i>.
<i>&quot;[hippies] live a carefree life without assuming any responsibility.&quot;</i>
Kinda like Christians after they&#039;ve been &quot;saved&quot;.
<i>&quot;... they beat and killed a young black who had pulled out a gun.&quot;</i>
Only a gun? No Skittles or iced tea? The times they have a-changed.
and by &quot;textbook&quot; do you actually mean &quot;the Bibble&quot;?
Did he get a big dish of beef chow mein?
He can check out any time he likes .... But he can never leave.
Seriously, how widespread is this crap? If we survive this shit, can you imagine how <i>they</i> will be written about in future textbooks? I hope it isn&#039;t generous.
And sexually harassed their secretaries, because it was &quot;all in fun&quot;.
The funny thing is- the hippies were right about just about everything. They were right about the immorality of the war, about the empty materialism of their parents&#039; generation, about the hypocrisy and corruption in our government, about the environment, about the need for sustainability, about the importance of openness and tolerance, about the dangers of the blind authoritarianism that is so prevalent today, about the whole &#039;make love, not war&#039; thingy, about needing to change the paradigm and shake up the status quo, and on and on.
The things they managed to get really wrong were their tendency to deify drug use to the point that it went from being a tool to expand consciousness to being a bad habit or worse yet, a crippling addiction (look at the 70&#039;s, all the hedonism and none of the higher principals- somehow we went from psychedelic calls to storm the castle and change the world to doing blow, listening to Disco and saying &quot;have a nice day&#039;. They also misunderestimated the whole &quot;everybody do their own thing&quot; mindset. When everyone tunes in, turns on and drops out, eventually you realize that nobody has any money because nobody has a job and that in the meantime, those that you oppose philosophically are making the bucks and will be able to buy their influence with it. Probably the biggest mistake the hippies made though, was their belief that patchouli was an adequate substitute for daily hygiene...
There you go again, thinking for yourself. Not the kind of liberty the founding fathers fought and died for, comrade.
Or &quot;born&quot;.
Having lived through both Nixonland and Reaganland, my esteem for the American people reached absolute zero some time ago.