I'm picturing Bambi meets Godzilla

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AHHH Thank you, that really takes the safety off my Magnum 44 when someone shouts that out during pew-pew-pornography such as this.

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Actually, it's still quite a lot of ammo. The specific contract mentioned at snopes was for (up to) 750M rounds for DHS training, noting 70000 users last year.

750M / 70K / 5 years approximates 2000 rounds per user per year.

Possibly the key point here is "up to". Volume contracts are written with volume/price breaks, and usually the largest volume tier is one that nobody really expects to hit.

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But it worked out so well at Waco. And Ruby Ridge. (Guntards are slow learners.)

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One of them enjoys Hot Pockets, Cheetos, and Ho-Hos?

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More of a clay, surely?

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And occasionally, ha-ha, <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bombing_of_Dublin_in_World_War_II" target="_blank">bombing Ireland itself!</a>

Though to be fair, they did pay some compensation for damages later.

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I appreciate their passon for liberty, freedumbs, the Flag and apple pies. However, I suspect neither their shooting or tactical skills nor ammunition is of the same level of Federal law enforcement officials. So if it does come to the point that a Federal law enforcement official shows up to your house, they commonly bring more than 2 of them. They are sensitive to radical shit-fer-brains after the fiasco involving David Keresh.

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Show me the difference between an Islamist suicide bomber and this Christian suicide shooter.

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These Christian terrorists with their guns, threatening to kill law-abiding marshalls, ATF agents and so forth! Their words reveal their lack of faith in our Constitution and traditions. They truly do not love America enough to trust it with the car keys.

Last night on the awful Chris Matthews Hardball, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America said he did not trust Chris Matthews with background checks. But what he was really saying is he doesn't trust democracy. The America haters should just move to Somalia.

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One thing I can guarantee: shoot one of 'em, and the Federales will most definitely not remain neutral on whether or not to blow your ass to kingdom come. (Funny how that rather salient point never entered into the discussion.)

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"Blessed are the trigger-happy, for they shall inherit .... ummm .... nope. Sorry.

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What they are sworn to protect is the Constitution -- so if you have to say "look out", well, maybe you're just a bit fucked up?

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