Your brain is probably too grounded in logic to make sense of the ridiculous scheme that was described.

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Everybody drinks a lot, too. Like all the time.

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I think this would be news if a "Conservative Activist" actually told the truth, instead of creating entire false personas solely for cosplaying up some cobbled together gotcha videos for muckraking purposes.

How many deceptively edited videos have to shoot out of dead Breitbart's moldering bung before we declare them ALL "not intended to be a factual statement"?

Or in other words, how fucking terrible is our news media that the conservative movement still has any shred of credibility whatsoever, let alone actually be held up as the legitimate "other point of view"??

Jesus, Al Gore managed to contract a terminal case of Negative Press Narrative when he said things that were essentially true (Love Story, and The Interwebs). Yet Romney can contradict himself almost daily, and, nothing.

Douchey cunts like ass-Melvin here can pull a stunt in the name of conservative activism, and this will basically go unnoticed by everything except a drunken Mommy Blog? That's pretty awful.

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The child safety (or lack thereof) blows my mind the most.

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I just added "approach O'Kweef about breaking into the Watergate to get the goods on Democrats" to my bucket list. I had to drop "help starving orphans", but a good sting is more worthwhile, right?

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Someone should tell him that Rentboy is associated with Acorn. He would go in "looking for work" and come out raped by Zombie Briebart.

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Unlike UI benefits, wingnut welfare never runs out.

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<blockquote>And, oh yes, he had another question: If he formed a union, could his fellow workers join with the employer to shake down politicians for more money?</blockquote>

Workers and employers pursuing a common goal??!? Huh?

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Can cancers get cancer?

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