Bordering on messianic. So maybe President Obama is the antiklayman.

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<i>What is it with the wingnuts and the black helicopters? </i>

They all grew up in South Central LA, obviously.

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<i> the so-called rich</i>

He's right. This is a terrible canard. The correct term is: the feckless, greedy, selfish, insatiable, rapacious, parasitic, predatory, avaricious rich.

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And here was I merely assuming that Klayman thought it was <em>terribly</em> important that the slave patrols should be armed and the constitution be amended to make sure that the Federal government not be able to disarm them.

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You really don't want to know anything about where Larry Klayman's <i>id </i> might be or why it couldn't be here in this word at this time.

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Charlie don't surf

(But Obama does- hmmmm, more <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=HdCfYHNctsc" target="_blank">puzzlin evidence</a>)

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In the next American revolution I'm supporting the British red coats.

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We already have white helicopters spying on the population of St. Louis, three from the TV stations and one from the police.

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<i>set up committees to determine who in its estimation is a “subversive” and may have to be eliminated with drone and other strikes on American citizens on U.S. soil</i>

The Death Panels are coming!!!

The Death Panels are coming!!!

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was it a <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=dlcvaY9Ehrs" target="_blank">preserved moose</a>?

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I just want to know who thought it would be a good idea to give the homeless guy wandering around downtown talking to himself and drinking out of a paper bag his own byline?

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