His training as a comedian gives him perfect timing: "[pause for 1.75 seconds] It doesn't."

Audience cracks up, witness wonders why his instestines are suddenly lying on the floor.

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I think the scumball had no clue what was coming ... but he knew for certain that it wasn't going to be good. (Damn those libruls and their abuse of gotcha! facts.)

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That's what you get for going unarmed into a battle of wits.

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If there's one drug the teabaggers would outlaw in an instant, that would be it.

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well it's obvious that - in spite of what the teatards say - congress needs more COMEDIANS and fewer job creatin business owners.

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Isn't it interesting that Boss BlunderRush, Sheer uh "Am i uh An Idiot?" uh InSannity, Off-the-Mark and the rest of that ilk flirt with pretending to run for public office but none of them have the guts to actually haul off and do it?

Here's Al Franken who did have the guts to run. And win.

And our nation is all the better for it!

And, while I think he is a better writer than performer, his delivery here was first-rate!

Well played, sir, well played!

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The problem with them running their own study is that they'd probably have to actually talk to some gay people at some point and, as you know, the gays are really good at recruiting, so who knows what might happen if they start down that path.

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Agreed - LePage is a headcase, but he's local. Snowe, Collins (somewhat), Pingree, and Michaud are all ok.

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Facts to winnuts are like garlic and crosses to vampires.

That's my senator!!!!!

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Didn't she do that during the SuperBowl one time?

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The people only skim their bibles, why do you want them to bother w/ a study? Both serve the same purpose: a thick heavy manuscript w/ which to thump their enemies. Not necessarily something to understand and follow.

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Ugh...no thanks. Although, I wonder how much longer she'll be a rep. Be that as it may, I think I'll stick with what I got. While I might disagree with them, at least all of our reps and senators are sane.

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I'm having a cigarette and I don't smoke.

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I know from reading a few of Franken’s books that he puts together a team of serious researchers, usually college students, and has them verify what he writes. Check out Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot for a whole book of wingnut fact checking.

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