Ah, the great originalist past, when people who felt themselves to be of the opposite gender never went through medical procedures to transition(what with none existing and all). They dealt with this in the originalist fashion, you know, by wearing clothing of their preferred gender and going off to live their lives as their preferred gender.

Here, have an article on Dr. James Barry, who IS LITERALLY A TRANS PERSON FROM THIS GENERAL TIME FRAME, Supreme Court morons. Bonus: he is from the British military. You know, for some added proof that trans people are not a new thing.


Never ceases to amaze me that people continually claim gender dysphoria is caused by woke modern hysteria rather than, you know, having always existed. In spite of, you know, continual historical proof or something.

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//Maybe by the time it gets to that level, God Almighty will have grown sick and tired of Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas, or a surprisingly huge blue wave in this fall’s election will have given Congress the numbers needed to add more members to the Court; we are just spitballing here.//

As much as I'd love to see this, I harbor doubts that even if Democrats ended up with supermajorities in both the Senate and the House as well as a Democratic POTUS, that they would think to add more justices to the SCOTUS, or any other significant changes to it.

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Here in Idaho, all you can say these days is "These Fucking People"! It's ridiculous! Raúl Labrador uses a fake Latinx accent when there are cameras nearby. He's a twit and a danger to the citizenry.

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Idaho.......God Damn!

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No shizzle man. I live here and in the rurals, all you see is F Biden flags and confederate flags and the like. This at the numerous and growing multi million dollar homes popping up everywhere. What the hell?

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I was born in Rupert, grew up in Fruitland....many cousins still living there around Boise......some libs.....some, not so much. My older brother (RIP) was a Boise fireman for 30 years and, like the rest of my family, die-hard liberals. It's a weird place dude......good to be FROM there.......

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Ta, Dok. A REAL Supreme Court would make transpeople a protected class.

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We will be paying for those hashtags forever.

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During the great migration when living in the south was so bad whole towns of black people picked up and left, states passed laws making it hard to leave the state. Let me say that again. Southern states tried to prevent people being actively harmed by the state from moving out of said state. There is precedence and don't think Alito won't use it to uphold similar laws in our time.

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They didn't want their sources of dirt cheap labour and scapegoats to escape.

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Yup, and at some point Idaho maybe won't want their baby-making pods to just walk outta the state forever and ever, either. Who can tell how low republicans will go these days?

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"Oregon and Washington remain safe havens for trans and abortion rights, and the freeways are open." As a resident of Washington, I am completely in favor of allowing kids with this need to come for treatment. As I am for women needing abortions. However, it sure provides an excellent excuse for residents of Idaho to not protest, fight, vote, harass Idaho legislators to change their laws. "Sure, we don't like it but there's nothing we can do about it" is the typical response I get when I'm forced to visit. There should be protests around the Capitol daily, rather than almost never. Resigned disappointment is what's for dinner for progressives in Idaho. With a side of gasoline.

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If you can’t find it in the Magna Carta, Sam Alito says it doesn’t count.

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A bit of a 'splainer on the decision:


"Rather, seven of the nine justices split into three different camps, each of which proposes a different way that the Court should handle cases arising on its “shadow docket,” a mix of emergency motions and other matters that the Court decides on an expedited basis — often without full briefing or oral argument. The Labrador case arose on the Court’s shadow docket."

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Weirdly enough, I’m at an event today for LGBTQ+ people and our allies to come together, heal, and learn about bills affecting us in the Louisiana legislature. And I am told that our own state’s ban on gender-affirming care is due in court soon. (I am keeping it vague at the request of one of the event organizers, but they seem hopeful and positive about it.)

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I live in Oregon, and I would gladly allow families to come and stay a few days with me while they're here to access their healthcare. I don't have a lot and it's not fancy, but I would extend that offer in a heartbeat. ❤️🏳️‍⚧️

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What the hell is Justice Jackson thinking? Appealing to her brethren and sisthren to consider that their actions have consequences for actual humans!! For that to work, you need to be appealing to actual humans, not psychopathic SCOTUS bots!!

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They only care about the humans who are wealthy enough to offer juicy bribes.

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It's been reported* that Clarence Thomas has caught cancer from sucking pubes off of Coke cans and couldn't make it to work yesterday.

* I dreamt it.

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How's this for a scenario?

This is Clarence Thomas Minor Illness 2.0 with multiple bullshit explanations and excuses while the Republicans try to keep the seriousness of his health a secret and keep him alive until January 2025 in the hopes Trump wins.

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Gorsuch is a dick.

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Gor-SUCH A DICK amirite?

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I can be. Oh who am I kidding. I am a dick of the highest order. But a funny one, so that cancels it out. 😁😆

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> God Almighty will have grown sick and tired of Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas


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Throw Roberts into that ring of fire.

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