Whoever doesn't like this decision is free to move to some libertarian fun zone like Somalia, where you can have--screw that, GOTTA have--all the gunz you want and beating your wife or wives is not only allowed but in fact encouraged by the prevailing religion. Nino, John-boy and Sam should go first.

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<i>"...we still want Scalia to shut the hell up..."</i>

Thomas should STFU too ... oh ... nevermind.

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What part of "shall not be infringed" do these activist fuckwad judges not understand?

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Perhaps Ginsburg, Kagan and Sotomayor should arrange a field trip to the local battered women's shelter so that these three jamokes can explain to those women that they weren't really victims of "domestic violence".

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To be fair, the defendant thought the reference to " selling firearms on the black market" had something to do with George Zimmerman's defense and was therefore completely legit.

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In related news (from the ABC News blog) <b>Oscar Pistorius has turned to prayer and religion as his day on the witness stand draws near in his murder trial.</b>

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Meanwhile in Florida, another gun bill is working its way through the digestive tract (i.e., poop factory) that is the Legislature. It would allow non-concealed-carry certified individuals to concealed-carry during an "emergency." Rick Scott and the head of the National Guard support it.

If this becomes law, the next hurricane evacuation that produces a traffic jam is going to turn into a bloodbath, I predict. There's a lot of Responsible Gun Owners down here.

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Pretty sure some MRA will write a butthurt Letter to the Editor about this, at least.

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