Yeah, for the time it took him to get dressed for his inauguration, or something.

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You must admit, though, Mitch warned us, fair and square, that they were going to steal the 2016 election. I mean, really. "We think the vacancy should be filled by the next president." What else could that mean?

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Every filthy comment you make is evidence that you are mentally ill.

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Sounds like you speak from personal experience, Stanley.

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... see what happens when you pull my finger?

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And this is why I love the internet. :)

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He sure has that "golly, gee whiz" act down. He looks like a lab who doesn't understand why you are mad at him for shitting all over the Persian heirloom carpet, the same cocked head and furrowed brow.

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The dude just affirmed that stores selling glitter and glue guns are termed the First Church of Hobby Lobby And Cheapo Yarn.

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"To our bunks."

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To be fair to him, I think he only is really concerned with those beliefs since espousing them is another way corps can stick it to everyone else.

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Upfist for "susurrated"!

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I would also argue that unhitching the trailer fundamentally changed the underlying circumstances.

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Anybody hear Grassley's interview on NPR this morning? Asked about the Merrick Garland sitch, he evoked those words OHJB spoke a quadrillion years ago, defending the GOP's blocking of nom hearings.I shouted a bad word at the radio.Actually several words.I shouted, "FUCK YOU, GRASSLEY!"It wasn't as cathartic as I'd hoped.

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All those long ſs are a secret code discussing magazine capacity limits.

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The other day, I actually read Trump humpers are so happy a Protestant is - finally - going to be on the court. I hadn't even thought about what religion Gorsuch is. Wtf is wrong with those people?

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Once upon a time there were two brothers. The oldest was named Esau and the other, Jacob. One day, Esau was really, really, really hungry and Jacob traded him a pot of magic beans in exchange for Esau's future inheritance. Then Esau was not hungry for a day, and Jacob went on to found a religion. The End.

Like Esau, all these foolish "Republican Christians" want to sell out Murica for a pot of magic beans.

Gorsuch can take his sanctimonious shtick and his hypocritical values and stuff them where his votes can freeze in hell. Right along with that Judas guy.

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