You are probably not surprised to learn that yr Wonkette's understanding of, and interest in, campaign finance laws is limited, because we are not that kind of Wonkblog.
There was a time, I think about two years ago, when I, for some unknown reason, declared in a comment here that John Roberts was the least bad thing that W did.
I would like to express my deep embarrassment at my temporary lapse of judgement and would like to state, for the record, the obvious fact that John Roberts will almost certainly turn out to be the most enduring disaster of W's career.
But voters without proper ID are most definitely not people, my friend. Nor are voters who cannot get to polls during the six hours that they are open on Election Day. They aren't people either.
Thanks $COTUS! You're not even trying to hide your judicial activism anymore. Kiss your democracy goodbye- John Roberts just sold it to the highest bidder...
I was eating breakfast outside on a sidewalk table and about halfway through I went in to get some hot sauce. When I returned there was about 5 sparrows on my plate of Cajon hash browns. The serving size was really too big anyway.
The only 'information' most voters are armed with come from either Fox News or out of their own ass. Claiming internet use will level the playing field is as ludicrous as stating that limits on money donated limits free speech.
Fine. Now every single lawsuit seeking damages should also tack on an infringement of "First Amendment Rights"
There was a time, I think about two years ago, when I, for some unknown reason, declared in a comment here that John Roberts was the least bad thing that W did.
I would like to express my deep embarrassment at my temporary lapse of judgement and would like to state, for the record, the obvious fact that John Roberts will almost certainly turn out to be the most enduring disaster of W's career.
I understand that Congresscritterus Midwesternus is the easiest to potty train.
Congresscritterus Texacus is most vocal and humorous, though.
But voters without proper ID are most definitely not people, my friend. Nor are voters who cannot get to polls during the six hours that they are open on Election Day. They aren't people either.
Access to insurance that covers oral contraceptives is speech.
The right to marry whoever you want is speech.
Access to affordable health care is speech.
Earning a living wage for full-time work is speech.
Thanks $COTUS! You're not even trying to hide your judicial activism anymore. Kiss your democracy goodbye- John Roberts just sold it to the highest bidder...
I was eating breakfast outside on a sidewalk table and about halfway through I went in to get some hot sauce. When I returned there was about 5 sparrows on my plate of Cajon hash browns. The serving size was really too big anyway.
The only 'information' most voters are armed with come from either Fox News or out of their own ass. Claiming internet use will level the playing field is as ludicrous as stating that limits on money donated limits free speech.
Any more than politicians buy themselves!
How much free speech is a whimper, anyway? Is that a whole dollar or just change?
I always thought piles of money being dumped on politicians pretty much was the definition of the "appearance of corruption."
But what would I know, my paycheck really seems to limit my vocabulary.
It's an understandable confusion on the part of the Supreme Court.
You see, a wallet with its tanned leathery opening quite easily can be mistaken for one of the Koch Bros' mouth-holes.
Money is speech too, my friend. Corporations are people too, my friend. Shit is roses too, my friend.
"We're boned!" -Bender
And don't call it the occupied territories!