This decision is likely worse than the Hobby Lobby fiasco. Hey wingnuts, tell me again about judicial activism....

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Just wait until they get a case that lets them gut public sector unions completely - Alito made it clear he wanted to do that here, he just didn't have the votes to make it happen.

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Yeah, they'll get back to running the 14th Amendment through the shredder in October.

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September 17th, 1986? <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonin_Scalia">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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Yep - they granted a hearing on regarding redistricting in Alabama that created "supermajority" minority districts, which the plaintiffs argue was racial gerrymandering. Oh, and they're going to take a swing at the Fourth Amendment, with a case that debates whether a cop's "good faith" mistake of what the law says is sufficient to allow them to make a traffic stop.

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They've shaved off some, but not all, of their pubic hair.

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Right. Because they really work for the Kochs.

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Hey, hey, hey! No NSFW tag for the GOP sex toy pictured at the top of the post?!

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