Wow! I was wondering where all of the Gay demons had gotten off to. You've got to hang out with those guys if you get the chance, they really know how to party.

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If the 18th were up for debate today they'd all be publicly for it while privately they'd be furiously stockpiling stashes of hooch in their basements.

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<i>Maybe he thought Moore’s letter was junk mail and threw it out.</i>

Shouldn't have opened with "Hllo, I am the former Finance Minster of the Replublic of Zaire..."

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You can do anything but <strike>lay</strike> keep Teh Gheys off of my blue suede shoes.

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Are they covering this on Faux News? Because my wingnut Alabama relatives keep their teevees tuned there 24/7 and I would hate for them to miss out on the good news.

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Roy Moore is going to have a place in history - the only state supreme court justice in history to be thrown off the bench <b>twice</b> for open defiance of federal court orders.

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I can think of something Roy could do with that cross.

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They don't like any of the "teen" amendments: 13 : no slavery 14 : due process 15 : blacks vote 16 : income tax 17 : direct election of Senators 18 : prohibition (to be fair, nobody liked it) 19 : women vote

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<i>"That friendly man pictured above..."</i>

First: Another trilby-wearing lunatic. Second: The cross looks like a couple of scrap 1x2s tied together with some string. Third: Roy Moore's ruling against lime hair (background) is also being ignored

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So, Alabama should be getting wiped completely off the map by a natural disaster in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

We should be so lucky. #takefloridawithyouwhileyou'reatit

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They might be Mobile, but they don't move with the times.

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Is that guy's hat possessed by demons?

Also - where can I get a demon hat?

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Wingnuts are clearly for a smaller, less intrusive government. As long as it has the power to criminalize every aspect of something they don't like.

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so that they can finally gargle each other's argle bargles?

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