I'd have a problem with that. I really don't like karaoke.

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Or make votes tax-deductible, as a cost of doing business.

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Those kind of things don't usually appear on the evening news. If you have to ask, you don't need to know.

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If you are unconscious, you aren't thinking, if you aren't thinking, you are a Republican, so therefore: IOKIYAR ipso facto presto!!

And I still have enough time to change out of my SCROTUS robes and give a speech to some very... appreciative... Federalists!

Whatta country!!

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You could wrap them up in voting tranches and sell them off in lots.

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We are a lightly disguised autocracy, with pretend elections, a pretend legislature, occasional human rights, etc., like the earlier Roman Empire.

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I wonder how many Wonketteers are already living abroad.

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if someone gives a politician any thing to vote a certain way, no matter how valuable, it is a bribe. period.

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I don't know; here in Illinois most of our governors have prison I.D. numbers, along with various state officials and corrupt kingmakers. You would think the frequency of conviction would serve as a deterrent to the larcenous aspirations of other, as yet unindicted politicians here, but strangely, it doesn't.

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Then there is the case of the unnamed federal judge who died at a hunting ranch on a trip arranged by someone who had business with the court. But no names, please.

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Your rant sounded like that of a typical gold bug.

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That now includes a former Speaker of the House from Illinois. Why didn't he plead legislative privilege?

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I do not know how to help you if that's what you think.

Maybe start with reading about the history of financial crises?

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Chimpy & Cheney had the finest attorney-general money could buy, so apparently the shit they did was legal - at least in America. It's still not the point though; collecting millions of dollars from industries & then claiming that you're going to regulate them as POTUS is a fucking joke. It's not me who needs to bring people over to my point of view, it's Clinton who needs to bring voters over to her point of view, & the Wall St bribes are one of the reasons why that's not happening.

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And you could sell insurance in case your kids default on your promise by voting the wrong way!

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No, it's been mentioned on several threads. It's worrisome that she just disappeared without a goodbye post, maybe the parting was rancorous.

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