
Not only does the Mexican government have a better understanding of and more respect for the US Constitution than the inflamed hemorrhoids who write Texas state laws, but so do the squirrels I hear running around on my roof and whatever it was that was rustling in the bushes at 1:00 am this morning when I took the trash out.

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Ta, Dok. Abbottoir can go fuck himself with a rusty garden weasel of VOTES. Texas Democrats and Independents had better wake up and start voting. Or they can keep saddling up and riding these Republican assholes straight to hell.

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

I’m sure local Texas police would never abuse this law and start rounding up citizens for the crime of looking too brown.

I predict an avalanche of civil rights lawsuits if this goes into effect.

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Who in this country dropped their jaws when the Supremes shitcanned 150 years of precedent? They did 50 years with Roe. Did everyone think there was a magic number they wouldn't go past?

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I am SO FUCKING SICK of these assholes delaying and dragging their feet and drawing out what should be a straightforward repudiation of this and many other outrages against the U.S. Constitution.

Nothing short of 67 votes in the Senate will set this situation right, and that ain't happening. God DAMN this fucked system of ours.

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So judges CAN schedule court with one day's notice? I have a confuse...

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There happened to be an opinion piece in this morning's Jornada (Mexico City) on the US attempts going back to the Reagan Administration to support the judicial branches of governments (at least in Latin America) as a check on progressive politics. The theory is that judges tend to be conservative, looking at precedents, and willing to hold the line when it comes to anything that might smack of "radical" change. I've noticed for a long time now that US policies used against Latin America are often try-outs for domestic policies... making us the laboratory for bad ideas.

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Somebody needs to add at least six new Justices to the Supreme Court. That somebody is President Joe Biden. If this is not feasible at the moment because of the composition of the US Senate, then President Biden needs to talk about this. President Biden needs to make it the policy of the White House and the Democratic Party to restore balance to the US Supreme Court. He needs to do this because it is the right thing to do, and because it will give disaffected nonwhite people a powerful and hopeful reason to vote for the Democratic Party, in both the Presidential race and the US Senate races. SAY WHAT OUGHT TO BE DONE UNTIL IT BECOMES SOMETHING THAT CAN BE DONE. Biden should have started doing this as soon as he took office in 2021.

I would appreciate about SIX more Supreme Court Justices who were committed to equality before the law, and who understood, in particular, that the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution must be enforced, by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, respectively. These laws must not be weakened in any way. I would appreciate about SIX more Supreme Court Justices who grant reproductive self-determination to everybody who tests pregnant. I would appreciate about SIX more Supreme Court Justices who refuse to allow some new prejudice to become an excuse to persecute people for the crime of being true to themselves. I would ALSO appreciate about SIX more Supreme Court Justices who regard human rights as a universal social contract based on mutual respect, rather than a threat to the ancient right of each prejudiced nation-state, above all the United States of America, to treat foreigners as vermin.

If we fail to defend human rights at the highest level of our government, we will be obliged to watch as our enemies of democracy rebuild the Jim Crow system that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life fighting against. It's as simple as that.

I cannot imagine the thick wall of optimism that must isolate President Biden from the truth of our present situation. Surely I have none of my own. I lost my optimism in regard to the US Supreme Court on the 11th of December 2000 and have never gotten it back.

Right now, I am losing my optimism in regard to our President. He clearly believes it is somebody else's job to defend basic human rights against a Supreme Court majority that doesn't give a fuck and numerous Red State governments that don't give a fuck. I wonder who the hell Biden thinks is going to do his job if he won't.


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Something also needs to be done about lifetime appointments. How about ten year appointments staggered through the court so that every President has the opportunity to appoint at least one justice? It doesn't matter whether there's nine or thirteen or fifteen, if they are in for life, the final say of everything, and completely unaccountable to some outside authority, the problem remains.

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I like six-year appointments, which of course could be renewed, but not without the right of the US Senate to hold another hearing. (If Clarence Thomas had to be approved by the US Senate again, he'd be finished.)

But this is a long-term remedy. The short-term remedy is to add some decent Justices so that the six Republicans can't just overturn laws using Seventeenth-Century opinions.

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Like he says, don't compare him to the almighty, compare him to the alternative. I agree with every word you wrote but I also am of the opinion that Biden is the best we can get and in fact we're lucky to have him because there's plenty of Democrats that would be far far worse...

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Welp, Hillary Clinton warned everyone about this in 2016, but there were e-mails and she did speeches, things people don't care about anymore.

You buy the ticket, you take the ride.

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Trump being able to pick THREE Supreme Court justices is going to haunt us for a generation, at least. We'd be so much better off, in every sense of the word, if the 2016 election had gone the other way. We also wouldn't be staring down the barrel at a Trump 2024 presidency either.

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Expand the court, plz.

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Or judicial term limits. Something between 10 and 16 years. Maybe an odd number so it's not always going to line up with election years.

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I know I sound like a broken record, but in "The Scheme" by Sen Sheldon Whitehouse, he talks about how SCOTUS was captured by dark money billionaires and the scheme was put in place by a lot of the old white rich men who run the Federalist Society, etc. etc....this is going to get worse sadly. SCOTUS is no longer legitimate in any way.

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Call me crazy, but I'm starting to think the current SCOTUS treating states like sovereign countries is a really, really, really bad and chaotic idea.

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I have to admire the restraint of the sane justices in their dissent. My hands would be sore from all the shoulder-shaking and face-slapping.

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They better hope that DC doesn’t get statehood, and decides to eminent-domain the SCOTUS building.

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if only...

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In regards to this awfulness, I am utterly incapable of commenting while remaining within Wonkette commenting rules

oh well, carry on good people!

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I see Abbott’s VP audition continues right on cue. Or maybe Paxton’s. The bastards are getting hard to distinguish.

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VP audition, bid to stay out of prison, tomay-to, tomah-to.

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Neither of them has a leg to stand on.

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