Why get bogged down with words when you know it in your heart? Besides the Second Amendment, the rest is all legal mumbo jumbo except the part about impeaching Democrat presidents.

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Aw shucks, we ain't so fancy up here in New England. We still honor the Constitution the old fashioned way: By reading it.

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Don't matter if the guy's innocent ... he was convicted, which in Texas means that morality and conscience are suspeneded, therefore it's OK to kill him, if only for sport. This is the logic that Bush used, and Perry is right there with him.

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Shittin' fraud, meet schaden freude.

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No Man-Licker Carcano jokes, Wonketeers?

You disappoint me.

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he should pray for death.

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Yeah, you fancy liberal Blue States. How many executioner jobs have your governors created? Thought so.

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<i>"...a psychologist’s testimony that black people were more likely to commit violence."</i>

I can't fathom how that fits in to the "thoughtful process". It seems more like a <i>thoughtless</i> process -- black = violent = guilty = hang him.

But suppose we applied the "more likely" principle elsewhere. Imagine a Texan on trial here in Connecticut with the prosecution arguing "Texans are more likely to commit violence". If the Stetson fits, you must convict.

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this would never have happened if he'd seceded.

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Damn Supreme Court chock full of liberals like Scalia, Thomas, Roberts. . .

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