I'll always love that picture.

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Several years ago, some Sikh bus drivers filed a grievance with the union when the local transit district said that wearing turbans (required for Sikh men) would be a violation of uniform policy. The union worked with the transit district (not sure if legal action was threatened) and turbans were allowed if they were in one of the official colors, so most of the affected drivers chose a nice light blue that matched the uniform shirt or a dark blue to match the pants.

OTOH, there was a lawsuit by an Orthodox Jew that said that BART had to accommodate his religion and give him Saturdays off in violation of seniority policies. The court ruled in BART's favor, saying the guy should have known he would have to work weekends before taking the job. (If he'd won, I assume there would have been a mass conversion to Orthodox Judaism amongst BART operators...)

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Well, now, a white sauce is a possibility.

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After you've already benefited from Affirmative Action, who else needs it?

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I don't know why it's painful for you to say. Thomas is a fucking stump. Fat Tony at least adjusts his "originalism" to support whatever the fuck he wants. Variety, anyhow.

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Maybe when one of those county clerks gets fired for refusing to issue a license to a same-sex couple after the court rules in favor of marriage equality in June? I can see it coming from here...

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Weirdly, in this case, no. I'm not looking for it to be a trend.

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Beware of terrorist bed linens...

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Haha. never.

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Rachel Maddow once referred to it as "Bush's Little Weapon of Mass Destruction"...I've got such a girl crush on her...

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Nope. They're not required to hire her. They're required not to reject her application simply because of the hijab.

This is not even rocket surgery.

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Lovely image, although probably not true.

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Mazel Tov.

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Turn off your router/modem and turn it back on, get a new ip addy from your isp.

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Oh, I get it. You're one of those secularists whose default position is RELIGIOUS PEOPLE = THE BAD GUYS, and wearing a headscarf might as well mean beheading adulterers or being Josh Duggar. So megacorp A&F are the GOOD GUYS. Right?

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Again: a default position of SECULAR=GOOD, RELIGION=BAD might be a good rule of thumb when dealing with Teabaggers, but in this case you're backing a megacorp over an ordinary worker from an ethnic minority. Shame on you.

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