πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ 🐐

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Yep, because β€˜strict’ means β€˜fantasies’. Only their fantasies of course.

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Yeah but will these law clerks, who are fancypants semi executives not low level staffers refuse that when it could torpedo their whole career? They need to be in good standing with the court to go into a corporate law firm. At least that’s what I learned from that very fun Stacey Abrams novel, While Justice Slept.

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I would think so. The other day I watched Catch Me If You Can again, Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio. Then I looked up the guy it’s about and all the stuff in the movie with his imposter jazz is bullshit, never happened! He lied about being a notorious and capable liar. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ So I guess I had a better time than you did.

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Read a little bit of that holy crumbs! Also on the electricity powered super balloon πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ That said there’s a new TV series of Around the World in 80 days but I haven’t looked at it yet.

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Jeepers. And although this is a fairly weak comment on that kind of garbage, do the managers have no training at all?? If they were doing their job according to some fucking handbook they wouldn’t pull shit like that. (If the handbook was based on reality and competence.)

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I’m gladly they leaked it, it gave our side a tiny tactical advantage. That the leaders may or may not blow.

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forming a committee to study the options for investigating feasibility . . .

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It is analogous to the evisceration of campaign finance reform to anything that isn't overt hand-a-bag-of-money-like-a-Thomas-Nast-cartoon bribery is OK. Here they said that as long as it isn't overt coercion it's fine. They are rolling back limitations to cover only the most extreme situations, leaving wide spaces of grey for their preferred side to swim in...

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[T]he painstaking work of deleting Alito's citations to 17th century marital rape-defending witch-hunters ...


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The boys at the rotten vegetable lab added a shift to work on culturing foul odor-producing scobys. Are stocks or pillories better for vegetable lobbing?

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I heard a woman at the women's march say she hadn't voted. What does it take?

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Consistency is for poor people (as in humans, not corporations). Or so it would seem. This is not good but perhaps has always been this way :(

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"After all the trial and furyThey spared the judge and hanged the jury"

-Robert Hunter

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Well, everyone understood that Domald J Trump has always been a stalwart defender of "the right to life..." Oh, stop it, I'm dyin' here. When these evangelicals supposedly "held their noses," and voted for Trump, they totally knew they were voting for an utter scumbag. They were correct, as it turns out! But he brought home the rancid, stanky bacon. Fortunately, for them, there is no longer a sense of shame on the right.

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Of course they knew he was a scumbag. That's one of things they loved about him.

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