<i>Take and Bite <i>this</i>, in remembrance of the fact that not everybody believes the shit you do.</i> -- Jebus 69:1-33.</i>

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My contention has always been that the "che" in Rochester should be pronounced like the "ce" in Leicester, or the "ce" in Worcester. Sadly, all my friends just called it Rottenchester rather than Rooster.

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Waiting for this to be abused by the fundamentalists in 3...2...1.

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It's too bad we can't have some higher court to appeal these stupid "Supreme" court decisions to. Also, this Greece place sounds like a shithole.

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Thank you Justice Kennedy, for the new judicial standard for Constitutional cases on Church-State questions: "whatever many Americans believe."

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Intended, but taken much, much further than intended.

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Apparently five of them favor it as long as it is American Christian sharia, which of course is Totally Different.

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Great. Now our "swing" Justice has apparently developed Alzheimers.

Let me explore the Rules for a moment.

1. I do not believe, at all, in the power of prayer. I do not think there is any entity out there to which one can pray. I recognize that my prayer, should I propose one, is totally devoid of consequences in the real world.

2. The Supreme Court has decided that prayer is permissible at public meetings, so I presume that it is also permissible in public comments. Or even in non-existent comments.

3. So, I think I may pray that Tony Scalia and Sam Alito should die, painlessly, within the next week, without violating the Rules. Because I am 100% certain that my prayer is pointless and will not be answered. It's not like I were <i>wishing</i>.

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and the Collection Plate , always the Collection Plate

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We get more like the Taliban every day.

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"Today's prayer comes from the Book of Arnold".

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"Hail Hydra."

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So there goes the <em>Lemon</em> test - it doesn't matter if the government endorses a religion, as long as they aren't coercive about it. And you can't challenge it unless there is a "pattern" of coercive behavior (which means that it's a good bet we'll be seeing prayers at public school graduation ceremonies again since that's a one-time thing, so bye-bye <em>Lee v. Weisman</em>).

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<a href="http:\/\/www.geocities.com\/denniverse\/MAX\/bushprayverse.jpg" target="_blank"> This. </a>

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Did Scalia at least argue with himself again?

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