As the next comment mentions, Thomas was the deciding vote, so it is at least very, very chilly down there already.

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I can understand that, given that NZ is such a shithole.Oh, wait, sorry, I was thinking of South Carolina again.

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Hi, this is Wonkette. We make jokes here. You may want to consider the possibility that someone is being sarcastic before excoriating them. Thanks!

Dok Zoom, yr friendly neighborhood comments moderator.

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Sarcasm? Ah...... yes. I see now. Never mind then.

I now understand better how Sir Launcelot felt after that wedding 'rescue' scene in "Holy Grail"....

...sorry about the 'batshit crazy evil' comment.

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And being forced to get their "colors" done while getting a nice pedicure.

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Sounds good to me, but maybe I should check with my cardiologist first.

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My first thought also. Texas? Really?

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I'm waiting to see if Roof's murders give the flag controversy a life of its own like the Washington Redskins fiasco.

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He also sided with the libs a few years back about a free speech case concerning burning crosses. On that one, he actually asked a question during the oral arguments. (It was the first time he'd done that in oral arguments in seven years.)

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Southerners are too stupid to understand that the winners write the history books.

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I use to think Jim Beam was awesome. Then, I had some decent bourbon.

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The Supreme Court is a gun-free zone.

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I think everything should start with a nice brunch.

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He just likes being the center of attention.

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Toaster ovens figure somewhere into the agenda.


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