45 found the one judge who is SUCH an asshole that even Thomas and Alito votes against him. Amazing.

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CMD is not in favor of Trump. The use of the word "libtard" is tongue-in-cheek, as that is what far-righters call those who are far left or progressive.

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In the real world, the SCOTUS ruling would represent a disqualifying event for Mr. Gorsuch.

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Actually, I was listening to Gorsuch (actually listening to Franken) and Gorsuch made some reference to Gawd in such an ironic tone that I got the distinct impression that he is not a believer. On the other hand, given his body of work, it may just have meant that he is on the other team (Satan's).

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The sentence was "anyone with MY libtard leanings."

You need to calibrate your snark detector.

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I just remembered why I came here. I wanted to ask, "If Trump is found guilty of treason in that he colluded with foreign enemies of the United States to win election, would that allow us to impeach Gorsuch? Couldn't we make an exception to that lifetime appointment thing in this case?

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Not true! All of those corporate "people" will finally have representation!

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I don't know the answer.

I DO know that the prominent Democratic Senators are trying to stop the hearings (at some of our more vigorous urgings) so the whole thing doesn't even get that far.

I'd like to think what happened when SCOTUS during over his 10th Circuit decision about the little EAP kid would help? But knowing Yertle the Turtle McConnell, I'd like to think that'll make him try to ram it through even harder ... so all we can do is hope for indictments and subpoenas and to keep pushing for them to stop those hearings, and keep visualizing and praying.

(Looking for evidence of collusion to boot McConnell would help to, I think. If anybody was ever guilty of collusion ...)

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Thanks, Dok.

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god I hate when the media says "thrown into doubt" or "disturbing" or "unverifiable" -- it's watering down real news -- why I like blogs who can use terms like "screwed over" or "untrue" or "LIE"

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Sadly.... You're right 😑

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tag line for tmw calls to Sens. will be: (R)s used specious excuse that election was under way to stiff Garland. Well, Donnie opened his 2020 campaign right from the jump, and has been conducting campaign rallies and fund-raisers ever since. Ergo, since elections only have consequences if winner is (R), guess we'll just have to wait until 2020 and "let the people decide".

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On one hand, Gorsuch is perfectly okay with your employer putting you in literal mortal danger. On the other, his pro life stance won't let you take a life that does not exist in any scientific or legal sense, nor will he let you take your own no matter how much pain that horrible terminal disease gives you. What a guy!


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Well.... his soul hasn't withered and died, or been sold to that nice salesman with the pitch fork.

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Funny how many times he used the word empathy when Al Franken was questioning him....

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