Y'know, I'm so pleased by this decision that I could be talked into gay-marryin' some dude just to irritate the crap out of bigots. If there's any such protests being planned, put me on the mailing list.
Yep. He's got his nose waaaay up Scalia's butt: “Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis, yadda yadda yadda ..."
. . . just like the Voting Rights Act (he didn't say.)
I read a little of Scalia&#039;s opinion. I&#039;m no legal scholar, but ... what is the latin word for sarcasm? ... it&#039;s full of <i> sarcasmos</i>. Also bile. Then he went on about how deciding if something is Constitutional or not is not really part of a SCOTUS justice&#039;s job description.
But Chief Justice Roberts wrote : &quot;I agree with JUSTICE SCALIA that this Court lacks jurisdiction to review the decisions of the courts below.&quot; Does that mean they can all quit and go home?
DOMA and Prop 8 are gone. Good. Let us celebrate today, and from now on at every wedding, where two people come together and say, &quot;I wish to be with this person.&quot;
But let us not forget that there is so much more still to do, legally and socially. The fight goes on. And it is a fight not just for gay rights, but for trans rights, black rights, Hispanic rights, ALL minority rights, goes on. The fight for rights of ALL HUMANs goes on. Today just reminds us that we can win. It reminds us that we CAN make the world better for ALL people, so that everyone, from the straightest, whitest, malest, richest person to the most destitute, most powerless minority, all around the world, can stand together in equality and peace and safety. Everyone deserves at least the chance of happiness.
Party at my house! I took off work (cuz my car gave u the ghost, but still)and will day-drink on your behalf
...of my taint?
Do the sparkles hurt, or are they just kinda tingly like I imagine them?
Y&#039;know, I&#039;m so pleased by this decision that I could be talked into gay-marryin&#039; some dude just to irritate the crap out of bigots. If there&#039;s any such protests being planned, put me on the mailing list.
Just For The Taste Of It.
(At least one of the newlyweds would have some taste)
<i>&quot;Today, the Supremes told those people to go fuck themselves&quot;</i>
Hawhaw - that&#039;s gay by definition, amirite?
The all-important schwing vote.
Yep. He&#039;s got his nose waaaay up Scalia&#039;s butt: &ldquo;Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis, yadda yadda yadda ...&quot;
. . . just like the Voting Rights Act (he didn&#039;t say.)
<i>&quot;Oh myyyy!</i>
I read a little of Scalia&#039;s opinion. I&#039;m no legal scholar, but ... what is the latin word for sarcasm? ... it&#039;s full of <i> sarcasmos</i>. Also bile. Then he went on about how deciding if something is Constitutional or not is not really part of a SCOTUS justice&#039;s job description.
But Chief Justice Roberts wrote : &quot;I agree with JUSTICE SCALIA that this Court lacks jurisdiction to review the decisions of the courts below.&quot; Does that mean they can all quit and go home?
at this point &quot;liberal-leaning&quot; means not hypocritical douche bags
Fuck Huck and all the other sanctimonious assholes who think they speak for Jeebus
DOMA and Prop 8 are gone. Good. Let us celebrate today, and from now on at every wedding, where two people come together and say, &quot;I wish to be with this person.&quot;
But let us not forget that there is so much more still to do, legally and socially. The fight goes on. And it is a fight not just for gay rights, but for trans rights, black rights, Hispanic rights, ALL minority rights, goes on. The fight for rights of ALL HUMANs goes on. Today just reminds us that we can win. It reminds us that we CAN make the world better for ALL people, so that everyone, from the straightest, whitest, malest, richest person to the most destitute, most powerless minority, all around the world, can stand together in equality and peace and safety. Everyone deserves at least the chance of happiness.
congratulations man.
now stop weeping and get out there and destroy some heterosexual unions.
having just this morning clipped three angry sets of paws... yeah.
and i am reminded yet again that no matter how much dems can infuriate me, it&#039;s still always worth working against republicans.