you are not getting it. they weren't just screaming and holding signs. the buffer zones were needed because there was physical assault going on. you have to go to court and testify to prove assault, even if you can get the local DA to make the charge. So now you miss work to get a perfectly legal procedure, get assaulted on the way into the clinic, take more time off to file a report with police and go to court and testify. In what world is this ever going to happen? The assaulters were perfectly comfortable physically bullying women knowing that they were never going to get charged. And they believed with complete conviction that the more they pushed the envelope, the more likely it is that a woman will walk away. and for several decades the behavior escalated until people died.

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Of course the other factor that 'free screech' interpretation doesn't take into account; the anti-choice crowd strategy was to be as disruptive and obnoxious as possible so the community would revoke the license of the clinic. They understood perfectly well that NIMBY was in full effect. Making neighboring businesses clients walk the gauntlet of slut shame was a sure way of shutting down a clinic.

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SCOTUS says free speech outside an abortion clinic can't be regulated. When will they rule reproductive rights inside the clinic and inside the lady parts can't be regulated?

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that's actually a pretty sweet convergence of needs.

can you imagine being harangued about your soul while going in for a root canal?

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wow. you are a hero.

when i heard the decision this AM i thought: i need to get out there and do something.

and you actually are. cheers!

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ok, but i want to be the one outside hurling counter abuse.

and glitter.

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Well, if you're going to keep playing the fact card...

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Fucking ridiculous ruling. Try getting within 35 <strike>feet</strike> <strike>yards</strike> furlongs of a GOP convention with your free speech.

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Do they have openings for designated counter-screamers? I'd be pretty good at distracting those mofos while the clients slipped into the clinic.

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What makes you think they did it ironically?

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Free speech on public sidewalks is sacred . . . so long as that sidewalk isn't within sight or earshot of the next GOP convention.

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Heh . . . in a state with open carry, that would be especially hi-larious.

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If the aspirin had worked in the first place, the patient wouldn't have been there.

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Not even their stalkers, so "no".

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I'd offer to fix some popcorn, but then popping corn is just aborted baby cornstalks.

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